Computer Engineering & Systems Website
Computer Engineering offers research opportunities in the areas of computer communications and networks, data science, multimedia, storage systems, parallel and distributed computing and architecture, fault-tolerant computing and design for testing,
- Computer Architecture, Memory Systems and Interconnection Networks (CAMSIN) Lab (Gratz)
- Computer Engineering Laboratory
- Cyberphysical Systems Laboratory (Kumar)
- Learning and Emerging Networked Systems (LENS) Laboratory (Shakkottai)
- Multimedia Communication and Networking Laboratory (Lu, Reddy, Shakkottai, Sprintson, and Zhang)
- Robotics and Virtual Reality/Extended Reality (Robotics and VR/XR) Lab (Kalafatis)
- Secure and Trustworthy Hardware (SETH) Lab (Rajendran)
- Scientific Machine Learning Lab (Braga-Neto)
- Storage Systems Laboratory (Reddy)
- VLSI CAD Laboratory (Choi, Hu, Khatri, Li, and Shi)
- VLSI Circuits and CAD Laboratory (VCC-LAB) (Khatri)
Faculty Members
Kevin Nowka
- Professor of Practice, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 235A
- Phone: 979-458-8642
- Email:

Ulisses Braga-Neto
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 236B
- Phone: 979-862-6441
- Email:

Pierce Cantrell, Jr.
- Senior Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 333D
- Phone: 979-845-3719
- Email:

Gwan Choi
- Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 333G
- Phone: 979-845-7486
- Email:

Nick Duffield
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Royce E. Wisenbaker Professor I
- Director, Texas A&M Institute of Data Science
- Affiliated Faculty, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: WEB 332D
- Phone: 979-845-7328
- Email:

Paul Gratz
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: WEB 333M
- Phone: 979-488-4551
- Email:

I-Hong Hou
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 334C
- Phone: 979-862-1092
- Email:

Jiang Hu
- Co-Director of Graduate Programs
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: WEB 333L
- Phone: 979-847-8768
- Email:

Stavros Kalafatis
- Associate Department Head, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Professor of Practice, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 205E
- Phone: 979-458-8429
- Email:

Sunil Khatri
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 333F
- Phone: 979-845-8371
- Email:

P.R. Kumar
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Distinguished Professor
- O’Donnell Foundation Chair I
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: WEB 331E
- Phone: 979-862-3376
- Email:

Mi Lu
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 332E
- Phone: 979-845-3749
- Email:

John Lusher II
- Professor of Practice, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 244B
- Phone: 979-862-5892
- Email:

Joshua Peeples
- Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 212E
- Phone: 979-458-7026
- Email:

Jeyavijayan "JV" Rajendran
- Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- ASCEND Fellow
- Office: WEB 334J
- Phone: 979-845-1612
- Email:

Narasimha Reddy
- Department Head, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Truchard Foundation Chair Professor
- Phone: 979-845-7598
- Email:

Srinivas Shakkottai
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering
- Office: WEB 332C
- Phone: 979-458-0094
- Email:

Weiping Shi
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 333K
- Phone: 979-845-3820
- Email:

Alex Sprintson
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 301G
- Phone: 979-458-0092
- Email:

Karan L. Watson
- Senior Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Interim Director, Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation (IEEI)
- Office: WEB 205G
- Phone: 979-458-5315
- Email:

R. Stanley Williams
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company Chair
- Email:

Suin Yi
- Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 205F
- Phone: 979-845-7564
- Email:

Xi Zhang
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 331D
- Phone: 979-458-1416
- Email: