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We offer a non-thesis Master of Engineering, thesis-based Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degree online, so you can study anywhere in the world. We have delivered online education since 1995, so we have plenty of experience helping students complete our program successfully.

Our degrees feature practical coursework in drilling, production, and reservoir engineering, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of these crucial aspects of petroleum engineering. Depending on the degree, you may also be required to complete engineering projects/reports and research, further enhancing your practical skills.


There are advantages to online learning:

  • You can continue to work full-time.
  • You can study during hours convenient to you.
  • You do not have to come to campus to take classes.

Exams, projects, and other class assignments are given through the online learning management system Canvas. Online Ph.D. students are required to complete the qualifying exam on campus.

Qualifying Exam

Costs involved

While there are benefits to online education, the actual expense of an online master of engineering degree is higher than an on-campus degree because of the administrative and operational fees. Check out our online education costs page for more information.

You should already have your bachelor’s degree

We require you to already have a Bachelor of Science in petroleum engineering from an accredited university before you apply.

We do take into consideration a Bachelor of Science degree in a closely related engineering field, but you will be required to take specific petroleum courses as part of your degree plan.

NOTE: We do NOT offer a Bachelor of Science degree online.

The degrees are not self-paced

The time limits of completion for each degree are the same, whether taken online or on-campus. The degree requirements are also identical.

The only difference between the online and on-campus degrees is the online degree has no residency requirement.

The application process is the same

Our online degrees use the same graduate admissions process as our department's on-campus degrees because the admission requirements are the same.

Read through all of our department-specific information on the graduate admissions page to learn what documents, tests, and requirements we have, and our submission deadlines.


We have listed everything you need to know about courses on this page.

Technology and Software

Learning online requires both hardware and software. Here are the technology requirements for our program.

Our expectations

We will expect you to:

Visit the Graduate and Professional School website for more information on graduate education at Texas A&M University.

Still have questions?

Get in touch with us using the information on our online learning contact page.