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Our graduate program is recognized for excellence in teaching and research, both nationally and internationally. We are consistently rated as one of the best graduate programs in Petroleum Engineering by U.S. News and World Report.

Degrees Offered

Our faculty research interests represent a broad spectrum of petroleum specialties, and we offer graduate degree programs and course work at both the Masters and Doctoral levels.

Degree Benefits

Industry leadership

  • Top management positions in major corporations often require advanced degrees.
  • Top technical positions usually require advanced degrees.
  • Top consulting firms rely on expert skills acquired through advanced degrees.
  • Faculty positions in universities require Ph.D. degrees.

Career opportunities

  • Companies looking for the best engineers trust the advanced degree as an indication of excellent skills.
  • Companies recognize excellence and tag high-potential employees to rise rapidly in the organization.
  • Graduate presentations and publications give students an opportunity to make valuable industry contacts that lead to good job offers and boost their professional reputation.

International activity

  • International government and industry officials are highly attuned to the value of graduate degrees. Many of them hold advanced degrees, and they greatly respect business associates who do as well.
  • Consultants who have advanced degrees have a significant advantage in obtaining contracts for overseas work.

Contributions to the industry

  • Graduate studies move from the general overview of the industry that undergraduate programs provide to in-depth knowledge of specific areas.
  • Graduate courses provide skills and tools for solving tough engineering problems, and graduate research projects help solve some of those problems.
  • The combination of increased understanding of the problems with the skills and tools to solve them provides the path to developing the technology of the future.

Personal growth

  • Graduate courses are small, allowing students to work one-on-one with a professor.
  • Graduate research groups are varied, providing students opportunities to work and study with an intelligent, motivated group.
  • Graduate research teams provide important training for the team membership and management that are in high demand in industry today.
  • Independent research opportunities help students improve their critical-thinking skills.
  • Writing and defending a thesis, a dissertation, and conference papers improves written and oral presentation skills.
  • Life-long learning becomes a part of being an engineer.

For more information, see the links below. You can also contact us at We will be happy to answer any questions.