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The regenerative medicine track applies cells, biomaterials, and biochemical and biomechanical factors to create functional substitutes to replace tissues or organs lost due to age, disease, injury, or congenital defects, and functional mimics to aid the study of biological systems.

Application areas include musculoskeletal, urologic, neural, and vascular tissues and organs, wound healing and hemostasis.

Required Courses (select 6 hours)

BMEN 480 – Biomedical Engineering of Tissues

One of:
BMEN 482 – Polymeric Biomaterials
BMEN 483 – Polymeric Biomaterial Synthesis

Track Courses (select 6-9 hours)

BMEN 482 – Polymeric Biomaterials
BMEN 483 – Polymeric Biomaterial Synthesis
BMEN 491 – Research*
CHEM 466 – Polymer Chemistry
CHEN 451 – Introduction to Polymer Engineering
MSEN 410 – Materials Processing
MSEN 420 – Polymer Science

Other Courses (select 0-3 hours)

BMEN 404 – FDA Good Laboratory and Clinical Practices
BMEN 406 – Medical Device Path to Market
BMEN 469 – Entrepreneurial Issues in BMEN
BMEN 4XX – BMEN Elective (subject to approval)
CHEM 228 – Organic Chemistry II
ENGR 385 – Co-Op (one semester credit hour per term up to three credit hours)
VTPB 410 – Cell Mechanisms of Disease
VTPP 401 – History of Medicine in Europe


*No more than 3 hours of BMEN 491 will count toward technical elective requirements.

Proposed deviations from the required courses, track courses and other courses from the sections above must be approved in advance by a Track Coordinator and the Director of Undergraduate Programs.

Track Coordinators

Daniel L. Alge

  • Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Daniel L. Alge

Akhilesh K. Gaharwar

  • Professor, Biomedical Engineering
  • Director, Research, Biomedical Engineering
  • Presidential Impact Fellow, Texas A&M University
  • Tim and Amy Leach Professor, Biomedical Engineering
  • Faculty Member, Genetics and Genomics
  • Faculty Member, Center for Remote Health Technologies and Systems
  • Affiliated Faculty, Materials Science & Engineering
Akhilesh K. Gaharwar

Melissa A. Grunlan

  • Professor, Biomedical Engineering
  • Charles H. and Bettye Barclay Professor in Engineering
  • Affiliated Faculty, Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
  • Presidential Impact Fellow
  • Chancellor's EDGES Fellow
Melissa A. Grunlan

Shreya Raghavan

  • Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Shreya Raghavan

Taylor Ware

  • Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
  • Director, Graduate Programs, Biomedical Engineering
Taylor Ware

Feng Zhao

  • Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Feng Zhao