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The medical devices track applies engineering to medicine. It involves designing, validating, and manufacturing instruments, apparatus, implants, machines, tools, in vitro reagents, or similar articles that diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat, or cure disease or other conditions and achieve this through physical, structural, or mechanical action within or on the body. 

Applications include surgical and medical instruments; surgical implants and supplies; electro-mechanical and electro-therapeutic devices; in vitro diagnostic clinical kits; dental, auditory, and IC devices; and irradiation and imaging devices.

Required Courses (select 6 hours)

BMEN 404 – FDA Good Laboratory and Clinical Practices
BMEN 406 – Medical Device Path to Market
BMEN 469 – Entrepreneurial Pathways in Medical Devices

Track Courses (select 6-9 hours)

BMEN 491 – Research*
MEEN 440 – Bio-inspired Engineering Design
MEEN 441 – Design of Mechanical Components and Systems
MEEN 442 – Computer Aided Engineering

Other Courses (select 0-3 hours)

BMEN 404 – FDA Good Laboratory and Clinical Practices
BMEN 406 – Medical Device Path to Market
BMEN 469 – Entrepreneurial Issues in BMEN
BMEN 4XX – BMEN Elective (subject to approval)
CHEM 228 – Organic Chemistry II
ENGR 385 – Co-Op (one credit semester hour per term up to three credit hours)
VTPB 410 – Cell Mechanisms of Disease
VTPP 401 – History of Medicine in Europe


*No more than 3 hours of BMEN 491 will count toward technical elective requirements.

Proposed deviations from the required courses, track courses and other courses from sections above must be approved in advance by a Track Coordinator and the Director of Undergraduate Programs.

Track Coordinators

Saurabh Biswas

  • Professor of Practice, Biomedical Engineering
  • Global Programs Coordinator, Biomedical Engineering
  • Executive Director, Technology Transitions
Saurabh Biswas

Zachary Bujnoch

  • Associate Professor of Practice
Zachary Bujnoch

Balakrishna Haridas

  • Professor of Practice, Biomedical Engineering
  • Cain Faculty Fellow
  • Director, Research - Translational & Industrial Research, Biomedical Engineering
  • Deputy Executive Director, Principal Investigator and Co-Founder, FDA Southwest Pediatric Devices Innovation Consortium
  • Affiliated Faculty, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Balakrishna Haridas

Charles W. Peak

  • Instructional Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Charles W. Peak

Jeffery Reynolds

  • Professor of Practice
Jeffery Reynolds