In the cellular and molecular bioengineering track, students investigate critical cellular, molecular, and genetic processes and interactions to understand, detect, mitigate, and improve human health.
Applications include synthetic biology systems, biomanufacturing, and diagnostic, preventative, and therapeutic medicine design and delivery systems.
Required Courses (select 9 hours)
BMEN 431 – Biomolecular Engineering
BMEN 432 – Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics
Track Courses (select 3-6 hours)
BMEN 480 – Biomedical Engineering of Tissues
BMEN 486 – Biomedical Nanotechnology
BMEN 487 – Drug Delivery
BMEN 489 - Special Topics
BMEN 491 – Research*
ECEN 414 – Biosensors
Other Courses (select 0-3 hours)
ACCT 640 - Acct Concepts & Procedures (MSF students only)
BMEN 404 – FDA Good Laboratory and Clinical Practices
BMEN 469 – Entrepreneurial Issues in BMEN
BMEN 4XX – BMEN Elective (subject to approval)
CHEM 228 – Organic Chemistry II
ENGR 385 – Co-Op (one semester credit hour per term up to three credit hours)
ENGR 410 - Global ENGR Design (Int'l ENGR certification students only)
VTPP 401 – History of Medicine in Europe (Germany Abroad Program only)
VTPB 410 – Cell Mechanisms of Disease
*No more than 3 hours of BMEN 491 will count toward technical elective requirements.
Proposed deviations from the required courses, track courses and other courses must be approved in advance by both a Track Coordinator and the Director of Undergraduate Programs.
Track Coordinators
Abhishek Jain
- Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Barbara and Ralph Cox ’53 Faculty Fellow
- Visiting Scientist, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Houston Methodist Research Institute
- Office: ETB 5008
- Phone: 979-458-8494
- Email:

Roland R. Kaunas
- Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- Office: ETB 5020
- Phone: 979-845-2412
- Email:

Tanmay Lele
- Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Unocal Professor
- Affiliated Faculty, Multidisciplinary Engineering and Translational Medical Sciences
- Office: ETB 5062
- Email:

Charles Patrick
- Director, Undergraduate Programs, Biomedical Engineering
- Professor of Practice, Biomedical Engineering
- Office: ETB 5013
- Phone: 979-458-2329
- Email:

Elaheh Rahbar
- Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology
- Office: TIPS 2026
- Email: