The computational bioengineering track teaches students to use computational approaches–such as molecular modeling, computational biomechanics, computational bioimaging, and healthcare informatics–to solve biological and medical problems.
Application areas include:
- Bioinformatics
- Decoding multi-omics information
- Disease and injury modeling and simulation
- Personalized medical information systems development
- Pharmaceutical design
Required Courses (select 6 hours)
BMEN 401 – Principles and Analyses of Biological Control Systems
BMEN 471 – Numerical Analysis for Biomedical Engineering
Track Courses (select 6-9 hours)
BIOL 350 – Computational Genomics
BMEN 463 – Soft Tissue Mechanics and Finite Element Methods
BMEN 489 - Special Topics
BMEN 491 – Research*
MEEN 422 – Computer-Aided Engineering
MSEN 444 – Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering
Other Courses (select 0-3 hours)
ACCT 640 - Acct Concepts & Procedures (MSF students only)
BMEN 404 – FDA Good Laboratory and Clinical Practices
BMEN 469 – Entrepreneurial Issues in BMEN
BMEN 4XX – BMEN Elective (subject to approval)
CHEM 228 – Organic Chemistry II
ENGR 385 – Co-Op (one semester credit hour per term up to three credit hours)
ENGR 410 - Global ENGR Design (Int'l ENGR certification students only)
VTPP 401 – History of Medicine in Europe (Germany Abroad Program only)
VTPB 410 – Cell Mechanisms of Disease
*No more than 3 hours of BMEN 491 will count toward technical elective requirements.
Proposed deviations from the required courses, track courses and other courses from sections above must be approved in advance by a Track Coordinator and the Director of Undergraduate Programs.
Track Coordinators
Jason T. George
- Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Intercollegiate School of Engineering Medicine
- Office: ETB 5021
- Phone: 979-845-5532
- Email:

Wonmuk Hwang
- Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Materials Science & Engineering and Physics & Astronomy
- Office: ETB 5060
- Phone: 979-458-0178
- Email: