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After biomedical engineering (BMEN) students complete their lower-level coursework (typically in the spring semester of their sophomore year), they choose one of the several technical track areas below to continue their studies.

The general requirements for the selection and approval of technical elective tracks in the Biomedical Engineering curriculum are listed at the bottom of this page.

General Requirements

  1. All BMEN students must select a specific technical elective track from those listed and attend a Curriculum and Track Mentor Meeting with their assigned track mentor.
  2. Track mentors (faculty with expertise in a specific track) are available to discuss the contents of a track, provide direction toward career paths, and must sign to indicate that a professional interview has occurred with the student.
  3. Typically, each track has three categories of courses: Required, Track, and Other. Students will select track electives as prescribed for their track.
  4. Students must seek approval from their track mentor and the Director of Undergraduate Programs for any proposed deviations from the approved track courses.
  5. If students do not meet the prerequisites for a track course before taking it, they are required to get approval from the instructor offering the specific track course.
  6. Students may use up to 3 hours of BMEN 491, which can be used in the Other category if they receive prior approval from their academic advisor and track coordinator.