Production and operation teams cannot see firsthand how conditions change in a reservoir during production. Instead, they rely on modeling programs that reflect data changes in the subsurface with rapid visual interpretations. Research in these simulation techniques produces more precise and accurate visuals at impressive speeds.
Focus Areas
Advanced reservoir simulation specialties include:
- Flow visualization using streamlines
- High resolution reservoir simulation to identify bypassed oil
- Optimal reservoir management
- Rapid history matching of diverse data types
Faculty Researchers
Below is a list of petroleum engineering faculty members who perform research in one or more of these specialties.
Akhil Datta-Gupta
- Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- L.F. Peterson '36 Chair I
- University Distinguished Professor
- Regents Professor
- Affiliated Faculty, Chemical Engineering
- Office: RICH 401G
- Phone: 979-847-9030
- Email: datta-gupta@tamu.edu

Jihoon Kim
- Associate Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Larry A. Cress '76 Faculty Fellow
- Office: RICH 407K
- Phone: 979-845-2205
- Email: jihoon.kim@tamu.edu

Michael King
- Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- LeSuer Chair in Reservoir Management
- Affiliated Faculty, Multidisciplinary Engineering
- Office: RICH 401E
- Phone: 979-845-1488
- Email: mike.king@tamu.edu

George J. Moridis
- Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Robert L. Whiting Chair in Petroleum Engineering
- Office: RICH 407L
- Phone: 979-458-4470
- Email: moridis@tamu.edu

Rami Younis
- Associate Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Marilyn and W.F. Albers '47 Faculty Fellow
- Office: RICH 401M
- Email: younis@tamu.edu