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Talk to a Global Ambassador

Our ambassadors hold weekly office hours. Learn more about them below and fill out the Ambassador Appointment Form to schedule a meeting.


Drew Dalabakis

Drew Dalabakis
Industrial Systems Engineering Major
Class of 2026
Program: Greece ENGR 421 Summer 2024
Hometown: Magnolia, Texas
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
"The greatest part of my study abroad program was the friendships I got out of it! I was able to connect with my class in just a short 3 weeks as well as some of the locals. Being abroad also made me appreciate the time I get to spend with my friends and family. I hope that students get the amazing and unique experience I had plus more from our programs as well as connections that will last a lifetime!"


Morgan Gullo

Morgan Gullo

Mechanical Engineering Major
Class of 2025
Program: Spring 2024 Semester Exchange at ENSAM, France
Hometown: Tomball, Texas
Office Hours: Mondays, 10-11 a.m.
"The best part about my program was how immersive it was. As a semester exchange student, I had the opportunity to live in the dorms with the French students, have class with the French students, and even be taught by French professors. I felt as if I had always gone to college in France! By participating in a study abroad program, I hope students get the chance to be fully immersed in a new culture as I did!"


Yuta Haratsu

Yuta Haratsu

Aerospace Engineering Major
Class of 2025
Program: Summer 2024 Research internship at University of São Paulo in São Carlos, Brazil
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Office Hours: Fridays, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
"I selected my program with interest in hands-on experience through research at University of São Paulo and to gain international awareness within engineering environments. Along with the research, I also took part in a design-built-fly project that included 5 students from Sweden, 5 students from São Paulo, and 2 students from Texas A&M. I was very fortunate to be part of this international team and learned how to work in an international environment. It definitely expanded my horizons and allowed me to explore other cultures. Just as my experience allowed me to grow as an engineer and as a person, I hope others participating in our programs develop a deep understanding of different cultures and the importance of collaborative dynamics within engineering."


Kyle Harwood

Kyle Harwood
Chemical Engineering Major
Class of 2025
Program: Spring 2024 Exchange at Swansea University
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
"The greatest part about my program was getting the chance to meet so many international students from different countries. I hope that students who participate in this program will get to experience many new things, meet new people, and explore different cultures."

Anthony Jones

Anthony Jones

Industrial Distribution Engineering Major
Class of 2025
Program: Greece ISEN 302 Winter 2023
Hometown: Temple, Texas
Office Hours: Mondays, 9-10 a.m.
"I had the opportunity to be a part of the ISEN 302 Greece Program. My favorite part of the program was receiving a very personalized experience while traveling. I was able to be fully immersed in the culture, history, and daily life of the people there. I hope students gain a global perspective on how other countries live and have the chance to step out of their comfort zones, facing new challenges abroad."


Katherine Liepman

Katherine Liepman

Architectural Engineering Major
Class of 2026
Program: Greece CVEN 311 Summer 2024
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Office Hours: Fridays, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
"My favorite part of my program was getting to know myself more deeply. I was able to see how I deal with challenges in communication, transportation, leadership, organization, and more. And the greatest part of that was that I was able to love myself and see myself in a truer light than ever before. In a place where I didn’t know anyone, and nobody knew me, I saw who I really want to be - without the normal expectations or bounds of day-to-day life. My leadership and communication skills flourished and led me to locations and friendships that I could’ve never imagined. My hope for students is that they give themselves fully to these wonderful programs. I hope students will see themselves in a new light and have a newfound appreciation for themselves and their skills/relationships."


Jackson Osterbind

Jackson Osterbind

General Engineering Major
Class of 2027
Program: Summer 2024 Introduction to Research Abroad Program in Yucatan, Mexico
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Office Hours: Fridays, 4-5 p.m.
"The greatest part about my program was that it allowed me to expand my mental scope of the world by living in a different country and helped me really understand the beauty in our differences and similarities as humans. As an engineer, this is an extremely valuable experience as it better equips me to accomplish the mission statements of engineers in the NSPE Code of Ethics. I hope that anyone who participates in an abroad program gets the chance to learn and experience the things that I did, as well as make lifelong friends while doing so."


Janelly Vargas

Janelly Vargas

General Engineering Major
Class of 2027
Program: Summer 2024 Introduction to Research Abroad Program in Yucatan, Mexico
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
"The greatest part about my program was the multitude of cultural activities we participated in. It was fun and exciting to experience new things, but also incredibly insightful on Yucatecan culture. A huge part of global experiences is learning about the culture and lifestyles of the countries you are visiting. I hope that participating in a program will provide cross cultural understanding, and understanding different ways of thinking to solve problems in unique ways."


Jade Waldron

Jade Waldron

Mechanical Engineering Major
Class of 2025
Program: Spring 2024 Semester Exchange at ENSAM, France
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m.
"I loved how immersive my semester exchange program was. I was able to create meaningful relationships with not only A&M students, but the French students as well. The south of France is beautiful and is in close proximity to many other amazing cities and countries. I hope other students who participate in this program have the same personal and professional growth that my friends and I experienced!"


Brady Wood

Brady Wood
Mechanical Engineering Major
Class of 2026
Program: France MEEN 305 Summer 2024
Hometown: The Woodlands, Texas
Office Hours: Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
"Meeting local students was my favorite part. Getting to see a whole new perspective on a lifestyle I knew nothing about was very eye opening. I think that other students will also enjoy the same thing. The world is full of so many differing cultures with practices we never even knew about so trying new things would be very exciting to students going on a program abroad."