All undergraduate and graduate students have access to campus computing facilities. These include:
- several supercomputer facilities
- graphics and resource computing laboratories
IT Self-Service has a broad knowledge base if you have any IT questions.
In addition, our department has several personal computer (PC) lab classrooms in the Richardson building for undergraduate and graduate student use. These rooms feature computers with specialized software for certain classes.
The rooms are available for use by petroleum students during the day (when classes are not being held) and between 5 p.m.–8 a.m., unless they have been reserved for review sessions, class, or other events.
The location and capacity of these rooms are:
- RICH 208 – 45 PCs
- RICH 301 – 20 PCs
- RICH 319 – 33 PCs
After-hours card access is required to enter labs. Visit Joevan Beladi in Room 401P between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for access (and have your advisor's written approval in hand).