Recently, we conducted a survey among our alumni to gauge their experience and gather insights on how Texas A&M’s Master of Engineering in Technical Management (METM) program has impacted their careers. The results offer valuable perspectives on the effectiveness of our curriculum, flexibility, and support in helping mid-career professionals advance into leadership roles.
95% Positive Impact on Career Advancement
95% of students reported METM having a positive impact on their career advancement, with 37% reporting a significant positive impact.
What impact did METM have on your career advancement?

“I was a project engineer at the time. Since then I have made two significant upward moves and I am now I am Engineering and Technology Manager and partner at a fast growing engineering company.”
“I was promoted at work twice during the program. I was able to deploy skills learned during the program to help achieve these promotions.”
81% Salary Increase
81% of students reported an increase in their annual salary since beginning the METM program.
Since beginning the METM program, how has your annual salary changed?

93% Skill Improvement
93% of students reported METM greatly or moderately improving their leadership and management skills.
To what extent did the program help you improve your leadership and management skills?

Why did they choose the Master of Engineering Technical Management (METM) program?
Most students chose the METM program not just for the convenience of an online graduate program but also for the quality of education and the undeniable Aggie bond with a Texas A&M degree. Some of the more frequent comments said, "program interested me because it is a mix of technical and business” and "reputation of Texas A&M."

64% of Students Considered other MBA or Engineering Management programs
The Master of Engineering Technical Management program is different from a Master of Science (MS) in Engineering degree in that we focus on industry best practices rather than research. METM also differs from a Master of Business Administration (MBA) because we focus on business topics in technical and engineering contexts. METM fills the gap by bridging management, engineering, and leadership skills.
Did you consider similar engineering management or MBA programs?

What factors influenced your decision to choose this program over other graduate programs?
“It captured all aspects of what I was looking for when looking at the MBA and PMP. Additionally, it focused on the technical side of things instead of being fully business driven.”
“METM's focus and curriculum seemed to target senior leaders in ENGR and IT. The curriculum more closely aligned with those areas. Also, the prestige of the college of engineering goes without saying.”
“This program interested me because it is a mix of the technical and business. The professors and instructor are industry leaders, so they are familiar with what we do and can better understand our challenges and what we need to grow and flourish in our careers.”
How did the students describe the METM program?
“A mix of the technical and business.”
“The curriculum is very relevant to my current position. Everything from emotional intelligence training for dealing with employees, negotiation, finance, project management, technical decision making, and more.”
“I found the focus on emotional intelligence particularly impactful.”
“I was immediately promoted into a top executive leadership role that nearly doubled my salary.”
“Graduating from Texas A&M’s METM program had a significant impact on both my professional and personal life. Professionally, it strengthened my leadership and strategic decision-making skills. On a personal level, the METM program helped me better balance a demanding career with family life.”