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Report 42% Salary Increase with Advanced Degree

In 2022 Texas A&M University Master of Marketing students conducted a survey of current students and alumni of the school's Master of Engineering Technical Management (METM) program to figure out the value proposition of METM from its students and gain insights on how to target prospective students and partnering companies.

42% Salary Increase

After analyzing alumni's salaries before the METM program and current salaries for alumni, the team calculated that there was an average salary increase of 42% after the METM program, which is much larger than that of the average MBA program.

Bar graph titled "What was your annual income before the MET Program?" with about 50% between $50,000 and $99,999, about 28% between $100,000 and $149,999, about 6% between $150,000 and $199,999, about 3% between $200,000 and $249,999, 0% with at least $250,000 and about 3% prefer not to say
Bar graph titled "What is your current salary?" with about 12% between $50,000 and $99,999, about 43% between $100,000 and $149,999, about 35% between $150,000 and $199,999, about 3% between $200,000 and $249,999, about 3% between $250,000 and $299,999, about 3% with at least $300,000 and about 3% prefer not to say

Why did they choose Master of Engineering Technical Management (METM) program?

Most students chose the METM program not just for the convenience of an online graduate program but also for the quality of education and the undeniable Aggie bond with a Texas A&M degree. Some of the more frequent comments said, "Seemed like a better fit than a traditional MBA and "more applicable to my career path."

Bar graph titled "Why did students choose the Master of Engineering Technical Management program?" with school reputation at 27.43%, remote capabilities at 27.43%, company provided tuition reimbursement at 17.7%, tuition costs at 9.73%, location at 8.85% and other at 8.85%

58% of Students considered other MS and MBA programs

The Master of Engineering Technical Management program is different from a Master of Science (MS) in Engineering degree in that we focus on industry best practices rather than research. METM also differs from a Master of Business Administration (MBA) because we focus on business topics in technical and engineering contexts. METM fills the gap by bridging management, engineering, and leadership skills.

Pie chart titled "Did you consider other programs?" with 57.8% yes and 42.2% no; source: 2022 METM Survey

How did the students describe the METM program?

"Excellent program for technical professionals interested in moving up in their career to a leadership position."

"Gave me the tools I needed to move up to the next stage of my career."

"The perfect program for a working professional engineer."

"A challenging and rewarding program that provides the opportunity to grow your network while studying relevant and interesting technical topics."

"Engineering + MBA"

73% Tuition Reimbursement for METM Program Reported by Students 

73% of METM students received partial to full tuition reimbursement. However, even self-funded graduates would reap a return on investment in a little over a year based on the $54,000 program cost and the average 42% salary increase.

Pie chart titled "Does your company provide tuition reimbursement?" with full reimbursement shown at 69.2%, partial reimbursement shown at 3.9% and no reimbursement shown at 26.9%