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The following guidelines have been established by the Graduate Studies Committee for degree programs of masters-level students without an undergraduate electrical engineering education:

  1. Candidates in all M.Eng., MS. and Ph.D. degree areas will be required to take the following electrical engineering courses for a total of 18 credit hours (CR). Service courses (e.g. ECEN 306) cannot be substituted for any of the following courses.

    • ECEN 214 - Electric Circuit Theory  (4 CR)
    • ECEN 248 - Introduction to Digital Systems Design  (4 CR)
    • ECEN 314 - Signals and Systems  (3 CR)
    • ECEN 322 - Electric & Magnetic Fields  (3 CR)
    • ECEN 325 - Electronics  (4 CR)
  2. Candidates will be required to take at least two courses from one of the following areas of specialization or demonstrate the equivalent material has been covered in their undergraduate degree program. Service courses cannot be substituted for any of the below courses.

    • Electronics: 326, 457, 474
    • Power: 438, 441, 459, 460, 467
    • Electrophysics, Electrooptics, Microwaves: 370, 451, 453, 462, 464, 465, 466, 472, 473
    • Communications, Control, Signal Processing: 420, 444, 445, 446, 447, 455
    • Computer Engineering: 350, 449, 454, 468, 469, 475

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