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See frequently asked questions about Texas A&M University's engineering program in Galveston.

1. How are the general engineering programs in Galveston and College Station related?

The Texas A&M College of Engineering is a single unit that offers the first-year curriculum at multiple locations, including College Station, Galveston and McAllen. The good news is that no matter which location you begin your academic career at, you are a Fightin’ Texas Aggie!

2. How do I apply to the Engineering at Galveston program?

Students interested in the Engineering at Galveston program have two options to apply:

  • Option 1: Students should submit the traditional freshman application to Texas A&M University — Galveston, available at And select one of the following College of Engineering majors offered in Galveston: computer science, interdisciplinary engineering, or ocean engineering.
  • Option 2: Students should submit the traditional freshman application to Texas A&M University — College Station, available at It is recommended to indicate Galveston as your preferred location and to select one of the following majors: computer science, interdisciplinary engineering, or ocean engineering. This will ensure you are given full consideration for the Engineering at Galveston program. For detailed instructions, visit Applying to Galveston.

3. What are the advantages of studying engineering on the Galveston campus of Texas A&M University?

  • With less than 2,500 students, the Galveston campus offers a small campus atmosphere. This means smaller class sizes, easier access to faculty and the ability to develop an academic community with your peers. In addition, the quiet nature of campus is conducive to studying and academic success.
  • Studying engineering on the Gulf Coast offers a unique experience to which students in College Station don’t have access. From the beaches, to the many island festivals, to Galveston’s night life, our students find many ways to balance their academic and social lives.
  • Galveston is the ideal setting to study ocean- and marine-oriented disciplines. Students who choose to complete their four-year engineering degree at Galveston will experience the perfect location for studying all aspects of engineering that deal with the ocean, ships and the coast.

4. If I begin my engineering education on the Galveston campus, what is the process for entering into a degree-granting engineering major?

The Entry to a Major (ETAM) process is the same for all students regardless of where they begin their engineering education. Once students successfully meet the minimum ETAM requirements, they apply to at least three of the 20+ majors offered in the College of Engineering, and they also have the option to specify a location. Once accepted into a major, students move to the location where that major is offered. More information about the ETAM process can be found on the ETAM website.

5. Can I complete my full degree on the Galveston campus? What majors are offered?

In addition to the four-year degree programs offered at the College Station campus, general engineering students can also choose to complete their four-year engineering degree on the Galveston campus. At Galveston, there are currently three engineering degrees being offered that take advantage of the campus’s unique setting on the Gulf of Mexico. These include:

  • Computer Science
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Interdisciplinary Engineering: Engineering for Marine Environments

You will hear more about these programs at your New Student Conference and will be given the opportunity to explore all of them during your first year. Regardless of where you complete your degree, you will earn the same Texas A&M University diploma and the same Texas A&M Aggie Ring!

6. Will the General Engineering program on the Galveston campus prepare me for my intended engineering major?

Regardless of location, students in general engineering complete three foundational engineering courses. These are taught by faculty from the Texas A&M College of Engineering and are overseen by the general engineering program in College Station. In addition, all students in general engineering complete several rigorous math and science courses taught by Texas A&M faculty that have been reviewed and aligned for content by their respective departments in College Station. In summary, the general engineering curriculum is designed to prepare you for success in your intended major!

7. Will I have access to student organizations, research opportunities, etc. on the Galveston campus?

While your first year in engineering will be challenging, and success in academics should be your top priority, we recognize the importance of pursuing extracurricular activities that enhance your education. The Galveston campus offers opportunities with multiple technical student organizations including Student Government Association, Society of Women Engineers, and Marine Technology Society to name a few. In addition, there are numerous faculty members pursuing research both in engineering and in other departments on campus. Interested students often find research opportunities working in their labs. In terms of student employment, there are lots of on-campus job opportunities for students as well.

8. Am I required to take a math placement exam? What is this exam and how can I prepare for it?

The College of Engineering requires that all students take the Math Placement Exam (MPE) prior to attending a New Student Conference. The MPE tests students on their knowledge of pre-calculus and determines which math course they will enroll in during their first semester at Texas A&M. It is important that all students follow the guidance of the MPE, since proficiency in mathematics is a key factor to your success in an engineering program. To find out more about the MPE and how to prepare, visit the MPE website.

9. Does the Galveston campus offer services to students with disabilities?

In addition to the Disability Services office in College Station, the Galveston campus has the Counseling and Career Services office that assists in providing students with disabilities the opportunity to participate in the full range of college experiences. The office is also available to provide students with counseling services. For more information, visit the following:

10. I have questions regarding residence life, dining, extracurricular activities, etc. offered on the Galveston campus. Who can I contact?

The best way to find out more about the Galveston campus is to schedule a campus visit (see FAQ question 11). However, for questions about specific services, visit the webpages listed below. There you will find information about services offered, as well as contact information.

11. Can I visit the Galveston campus? Who can I contact to schedule a visit and tour?

Texas A&M University at Galveston hosts individual and family tours. Tours begin in the Academic Building (Bldg. 3034) with a presentation about admissions, financial aid, academic programs, and the Corps of Cadets. A walking tour of campus is offered after the presentation. The walking tour will include campus housing, classroom buildings, the Ocean and Coastal Studies building, the Powell Marine Engineering Complex, the Mary Moody Northen Student Center, the Jack K. Williams Library, the Physical Education Facility and the small boat basin. The best way to schedule a tour of the campus is to visit Galveston’s Office of Admissions webpage