Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees associated with the Texas A&M University Engineering Academies are handled separately by the partner college and Texas A&M. You are billed by each institution based on the number of credit hours taken, respectively.
Aid, Grants and Scholarships
While you are co-enrolled in the Academies, your Texas A&M record will be displayed as non-degree seeking. All aid/grants and scholarships will be awarded solely from the partner college. Once you are placed into a major and transitioning to Texas A&M, your Texas A&M record is updated from non-degree seeking to degree-seeking. Here is some guidance for if you are seeking to apply for aid, grants and/or scholarships:
Year prior to enrolling in the Academies: Apply for grants, financial aid and scholarships through the partner college for the upcoming academic year.
Year one and year two while co-enrolled in the Academies: Apply for grants, financial aid and scholarships through the partner college and Texas A&M for the upcoming academic year. While co-enrolled, the partner college will award any eligible aid or scholarships. However, it is still recommended that you submit your applications to Texas A&M for the following academic year. The Texas A&M financial aid and scholarship applications on file will be reviewed after your Texas A&M record is updated to degree-seeking.
Hazlewood Exemption for Veterans
You must be fully admitted and degree-seeking to qualify for the Hazelwood Exemption at Texas A&M University. As a student enrolled in the Engineering Academies, you are considered non-degree seeking and do not qualify for the Hazlewood Exemption until fully transitioned to a College Station engineering major.