You must secure admission to your partner college and receive a student ID number.
As a first-time, full-time student, you should submit an application to your partner community college via ApplyTexas.org.
If you are a continuing student already enrolled at a partner institution who wishes to participate in the Engineering Academies, you can continue to the next step.
You must submit a prequalification form to your partner college. The partner college will complete a review of your academic history to verify eligibility in the Academies. Please visit the Academies page to see specific requirements for each institution.
Please monitor your email, as your partner college will likely contact you for additional details and documentation.
Once prequalified, you will be sent a unique link to apply to the Texas A&M Engineering Academy of your choice. You should submit your application and all supporting documents by June 15. Once you submit your application, you should monitor your application status by logging into applicant.tamu.edu.
Application Guide
As a prequalified student you must submit a Texas A&M Engineering Academies admissions application. If you have previously applied to Texas A&M via a freshman or transfer application, you must submit an additional application for the Engineering Academies.
Applicants are reviewed holistically by the Texas A&M University Office of Admissions based on the required documents listed below.
Required Documents
Requirements for students without college credit or those whose only college credit was earned prior to high school graduation — i.e., dual credit, AP/IB or early college high school:
- Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) — As a first-time-in-college student or a student who has completed high school outside of the United States, you must complete the SRAR with one exception: if you have a GED (specific requirements and additional details available at SRAR FAQs if you fall into this category). The Self-Reported Academic Record lists the courses and associated grades that have been completed or will be completed for high school and/or college credit. It replaces the high school transcript used by the Office of Admissions during the initial admission process. Since accuracy is critical, it is best to create the SRAR by referencing an official high school transcript. You will enter your courses, grades, class rank (if provided on the transcript), weighted GPA and graduation plan in the SRAR. If you are a Texas resident reporting a top 10 percent ranking on the SRAR, you must also provide verification of ranking by submitting an official high school transcript.
- You are required to submit a high school transcript if you meet the criteria below:
- If you are a Texas resident reporting a top 10 percent ranking on the SRAR, you must also provide verification of ranking by submitting an official high school transcript.
- If you completed high school outside of the U.S., you must submit an SRAR and an official or certified copy of all secondary school records and/or examination results. All academic records not in English must be accompanied by a certified English translation. See Texas A&M Admissions for more details.
- If you are a GED graduate, you will not submit an SRAR but must submit your official GED transcript along with official partial high school transcript(s). The original certificate and transcript(s) may be sent by mail or hand-delivered to Admissions Customer Service.
- If you have already graduated high school, you must submit an SRAR and a final high school transcript.
- GED graduates will not submit an SRAR but must submit their official GED transcript along with official partial high school transcript(s). The original certificate and transcript(s) may be sent by mail or hand-delivered to Admissions Customer Service.
- Application Fee (Great news! There is no fee incurred if you are applying to the Texas A&M Engineering Academies.)
- Texas A&M Residency Questionnaire (if applicable.)
- Bacterial Meningitis Proof of Vaccination (if admitted.)
- Final High School Transcript (if admitted.)
If you have earned college credits after earning a high school diploma, you must submit the following requirements:
Official College Transcripts (For every institution you attend — including institutions where dual credit was earned — you must submit transcripts. Texas A&M prefers electronic submission by SPEEDE. Other acceptable methods for sending transcripts include electronic submissions by eSCRIP-SAFE, AVOW and the National Student Clearinghouse or by mail as permitted for Texas A&M transfer applicants. The mailing addresses can be found on the Texas A&M Admissions website.)
Application Fee (There is no fee if you apply to the Texas A&M Engineering Academies.)
Texas A&M Residency Questionnaire (if applicable.)
Bacterial Meningitis Proof of Vaccination (if admitted.)
Final High School Transcript (if admitted.)