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Section 1:

The purpose of the Junior Engineering Faculty Advisory Council (JEFAC) is to generate and develop broad ideas for the improvement and ultimate development of the College of Engineering and to suggest policies and activities that will enable the College of Engineering to better serve the educational needs of the people of Texas.

Section 2:

To advise the dean of engineering on matters of basic importance to the Engineering Faculty as a body with emphasis on representing Junior Faculty.

Section 3:

In particular the council will address those educational needs of the people of Texas that are commensurate with serving the professional development needs of JUNIOR FACULTY in the College of Engineering. JUNIOR FACULTY is defined to include: 1) un-tenured, tenure track Assistant Professors, 2) faculty recently (less than 1 year) promoted from the rank of Assistant Professor, and 3) non-tenure track assistant professors on a professional track including Assistant Professors of Practice, Lecturers and Instructional Assistant Professors within six years of academic appointment.


Section 1:

The Council shall regularly meet monthly on a specified date September through May inclusive.

Section 2:

No business can be conducted without a quorum of at least fifty-one percent of members represented.

Section 3:

At the first meeting of each September, Rules of Procedure will be adopted by the council.

Section 4:

Special meetings will be held at the call of the Chair or upon petition of three members of the Council.

Section 5:

Records shall be kept of JEFAC activities. These will consist of minutes. In the case of ongoing JEFAC activities, these records will consist of periodic reports to the council. Minutes of the Council meeting shall be promptly delivered to all JEFAC members.

Section 6:

All meetings of the Council shall be open to all JUNIOR FACULTY members as visitors. A JUNIOR FACULTY member wishing to present a matter for consideration of the Council shall do so through the Council Chair or their DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE.

Section 7:

The Dean of the COE will be invited to attend at least four meetings per year.


Section 1:

The Council shall consist of one member from each academic department (herein referred to as the DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE) in the College of Engineering. Currently this is: 1) Aerospace, 2) Biomedical, 3) Chemical, 4) Civil, 5) Computer science & engineering, 6) Electrical & computer, 7) Engineering technology & industrial distribution, 8) Industrial & systems, 9) Materials science & engineering, 10) Mechanical, 11) Nuclear, 12) Petroleum as well as one member from the 13) Engineering Academics and Student Affairs. Administrative officers are ineligible for membership on the Council.

Section 2:

DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE shall serve a term of three years. One third of the members' term on the Council will expire each year.

Section 3:

The current DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE shall hold the election for a new DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE through a vote of all department JUNIOR FACULTY. This election shall be held prior to the May meeting in the year which their term expires. Any one member of the Department in which the election is being held may request oversight of the election by the Council. In the event of such a request, the Council will vote to determine the procedure for the election.

Section 4:

DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVES must be a member of the JUNIOR FACULTY when they begin their term. DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVES that would no longer be considered JUNIOR FACULTY due to promotion or some other event during their term may serve on the council till the completion of their term.

Section 5:

Newly elected members shall take office at the first meeting in May.

Section 6:

New members will be provided with a copy of the current Bylaws at the first meeting that they attend.

Section 7:

Council members unable to attend may send a substitute to act in their place. Substitute DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE do not need to be JUNIOR FACULTY.

Section 8:

For departments with only one JUNIOR FACULTY the requirement for an election of a DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE is waived.

Section 9:

Departments with no JUNIOR FACULTY will not have membership in JEFAC. A change in status of a department such that JUNIOR FACULTY need representation will have an election of a DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE immediately and the elected DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE will attend the next JEFAC meeting.

Section 10:

If a DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE position is vacated a new election must be held to immediately fill the vacancy.


Section 1:

The Officers of the Junior Engineering Faculty Advisory Council shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary. Each shall be elected for a one-year term by a simple majority vote.

Section 2:

A member of the Council must have completed one year on the Council before being eligible to serve as an officer of the council.

Section 3:

If for any reason the Office of Chair shall become vacant, the Vice-Chair shall succeed to this office. If a vacancy occurs in any other office a member duly elected by the Council shall fill it.


Section 1:

Determination of the method of voting on matters presented to the Council shall be at the discretion of the Chair, unless a member of the Council requests a secret ballot.

Section 2:

A simple majority vote of the members in attendance, provided that a quorum is present, shall be required to approve an ITEM OF INVESTIGATION by the Council. An ITEM OF INVESTIGATION initiates an ongoing JEFAC activity wherein a committee may be formed to investigate a particular matter, prepare reports or draft recommendations.

Section 3:

A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance, provided that a quorum is present, shall be required to approve any RECOMMENDATION OF THE COUNCIL. A RECOMMENDATION OF THE COUNCIL is a formal letter or statement addressed to the Dean of the College of Engineering, relaying a specific viewpoint or proposed action. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COUNCIL are publically disclosed and shared with all JUNIOR FACULTY.


Section 1:

There shall be no standing committee on the Junior Engineering Faculty Advisory Council.

Section 2:

Special committees shall be appointed and instructed by the Chair as needed to pursue any ITEM OF INVESTIGATION.

Section 3:

With the authorization of the majority of the Council, the Chair may appoint faculty members not serving on the Council to special committees with specific charges.


Section 1:

The Rules of Procedure of meetings may be suspended by a three-fourths majority vote of those in attendance.

Section 2:

These by-laws may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of all members.

Section 3:

Proposed alterations, amendments or repeals shall first be read at a regular meeting of the Council and voted upon at the next meeting of the Council.


Section 1:

Exception is made to the rule requiring prior JEFAC term to be a JEFAC officer during the first two inaugural years (2015 & 2016) of the council.

Section 2:

The term of DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVES for the inaugural council will be determined during the first meeting of the council (when these by-laws are accepted) by a majority vote of the Council.