The main focus in Electrical engineering is electric and electronic devices, circuits, systems and applications. In our online program, students choose one of four focus areas within the department, including, Analog and Mixed Signals, Computer Engineering and Systems, Energy and Power, and Information Science and Learning Systems.
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The MS degree is available as both thesis and non-thesis. Those pursuing the thesis option participate in cutting-edge research and will be well-prepared for research and development careers in industry or pursuing a doctoral degree.
Students choose one of four focus areas within the department, including:
Computer Engineering and Systems
ECEN 602 - Computer Communications and Networking (Pierce Cantrell)
ECEN 676 - Advanced Computer Architecture (Paul Gratz)
ECEN 687 - Introduction to VLSI Design Automation (Jiang Hu)
ECEN 714 - Digital Integrated Circuit Design
ECEN 722 - Field Programmable Gate Arrays Information Processing Systems
ECEN 740 - Machine Learning Engineering
ECEN 749 - Microprocessor Systems Design (Sunil Khatri)
ECEN 750 - Design and Analysis of Communication Networks
ECEN 756 - Game Theory (Srinivas Shakkottai)
ECEN 757 - Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing (I-Hong Hou)
ECEN 758 - Data Mining and Analysis
ECEN 759 - Hardware Security (JV Rajendran)
Analog and Mixed Signals
ECEN 607 - Advanced Analog Circuit Design Techniques (4 credits)
ECEN 610 - Mixed Signal Interfaces (4 credits) (Sam Palermo)
ECEN 620 - Network Theory
ECEN 622 - Active Network Synthesis
ECEN 665 - Integrated CMOS RF Circuits and Systems (4 credits) (Kamran Entesari)
ECEN 704 - VLSI Circuit Design (4 credits) (Aydin Karsilayan)
ECEN 720 - High-Speed Link Circuits and Systems (4 credits)
ECEN 721 - Optical Interconnects Circuits and Systems
ECEN 740 - Machine Learning Engineering
Energy and Power
ECEN 613 - Rectifier and Inverter Circuits (Prasad Enjeti)
ECEN 614 - Power System State Estimation
ECEN 615 - Electric Power Systems Analysis Methods
ECEN 632 - Motor Drive Dynamics
ECEN 667 - Power System Stability
ECEN 710 - Switching Power Supplies
ECEN 713 - Data Sciences and Appliances for Modern Power
ECEN 715 - Physical and Economical Operations of Sustainable Energy Systems
ECEN 740 - Machine Learning Engineering
ECEN 743 - Reinforcement Learning (Dileep Kalathil)
Information Science and Learning Systems
ECEN 601 - Mathematical Methods in Signal Processing
ECEN 605 - Linear Multivariable Systems
ECEN 608 - Modern Control
ECEN 609 - Adaptive Control
ECEN 628 - Robust and Optimal Control
ECEN 629 - Applied Convex Optimization (Chao Tian)
ECEN 642 - Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision (Zixiang Xiong)
ECEN 644 - Discrete-Time Systems
ECEN 647 - Information Theory (Tie Liu)
ECEN 649 - Pattern Recognition (Ulisses Braga-Neto)
ECEN 663 - Data Compression with Applications to Speech and Video
ECEN 743 - Reinforcement Learning
ECEN 760 - Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models
One advantage of the distance learning format of this program is that it has allowed me to start a full-time job in the energy industry a few months before I graduate in August.