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Texas A&M University College of Engineering departments and labs participate in the Undergraduate Summer Research REU Program based on the admitted applicants’ areas of interest.

We encourage you to explore our programs, faculty and research before you apply to our REU.

Participants Receive:

  • Supervision by a College of Engineering faculty member and postdoctoral fellow or advanced graduate student.
  • Regularly scheduled seminars on issues directly related to the academic, personal and professional growth of graduate students.
  • Social events
  • Constructive feedback on the need for further undergraduate courses and acquisition of additional laboratory skills.
  • Opportunity to possibly co-author a scientific paper with the faculty mentor.
  • Exposure to state-of-the-art research laboratories in our college's departments and interdisciplinary centers.
  • University housing (students are responsible for their food expenses).
  • Access to campus facilities (library, athletic and health facilities).


Each participant will receive a $6,000 stipend paid out as a competitive scholarship.

Male recipients of this scholarship must provide the institution (via the REU program upon starting the program) proof of meeting Selective Service registration requirements or being exempt per the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rule 21.2263.


External Participants

External (non-Texas A&M) participants are required to stay in the housing provided by the program (see below).

Texas A&M Participants

Internal (Texas A&M) participants can choose to stay in the housing provided by the program or receive a one-time housing allowance payment of $1,235.00.

Program Housing

REU housing for summer 2024 will be on campus.

Research Topics and Faculty

Unlike other summer research programs (e.g. NSF REUs), the REU program does not have specific research topics or professors. In general, most faculty members in the College of Engineering are eligible to be mentors for the program. Similar to the graduate school search process, we suggest that you look online at the faculty listings/research pages on the respective department websites. Once you have identified a faculty member of interest to you, contact them to express interest in working with them through the REU program and ask if they will be available during the summer to mentor you, should you be accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My school is on a quarter system — can I still apply?

A: In general, yes, you are eligible to apply for the program. However, we will run into issues with your institution being on a quarter system. In the past, we've accommodated some students on a quarter system in consultation with their faculty mentor, but no more than five days past the program start date. There was some give and take from both our end and the student's end. For instance, one student worked with his university's professors on taking final exams earlier than scheduled so that he could start the REU program the Monday following the regular start of the program. Also, the REU mentor agreed on special arrangements by giving reading assignments ahead of time and working with the student on completing the first assignment (research proposal). The REU mentor (and the student) also agreed to the student working extra hours (nights and/or weekends) to make up for the few days missed at the beginning of the program. Applicants on quarter systems are still encouraged to apply and mention the quarter system issue briefly at the end of the personal statement to remind us. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate you, since several parties must make special arrangements (you, the program and the faculty mentor), but we will try our hardest.

Q: Is this considered a work experience, and can I use it as a work reference?

A: While a student is able to place the REU experience on their resume as an academic activity, and are encouraged to seek recommendations from those they work with during the program, it is not work experience and therefore cannot serve as a reference when applying to a job, etc. Additionally, a W-2 form will not be provided.

Q: I am an international student. Can I apply?

A: Unfortunately, no. This program is specifically for US domestic students, but we encourage you to look at Texas A&M’s Research Opportunities Database for other programs.