The Texas A&M University Craig and Galen Brown Engineering Honors Program offers many benefits for students, such as access to honors courses, honors faculty, and a community of like-minded peers within a large research institution.
Honors Courses
Engineering Honors students have access to honors courses with reduced class sizes. Honors courses provide students with a more engaging, enriching learning experience. Departmental honors courses might have larger enrollments or be structured differently, but will still provide ways for honors students to learn the course material at a deeper level. Engineering Honors students also have to option to enroll in some graduate-level courses for honors credit.
Honors Department Coordinators
Honors students maintain close relationships with the Engineering Honors Department Coordinator for their department. These honors faculty members that help students discover their research interests, assist students in finding undergraduate research opportunities, and provide advice on career preparation and personal development. They also give advice and suggest preparatory resources for students who wish to apply for prestigious nationally competitive fellowship and graduate programs.
Engineering Honors Activities
Honors students are invited to events and activities designed to develop them professionally, provide ways to connect with fellow honors students, faculty, industry and community, and open their eyes to career options they might never have considered.
Undergraduate Research
An important component of the Engineering Honors program is an undergraduate research experience. These experiences provide a chance for students to engage in one-on-one research with our honors faculty. Participating in undergraduate research helps students develop essential skills for their future careers in industry or academia, such as critical thinking, public speaking, team work, and more. These experiences can also prepare students for graduate studies and make them more competitive for graduate admissions and fellowships.
Priority Registration
Honors students have the opportunity to register two days prior to the start of the ordinary pre-registration period for continuing students. Incoming freshmen have the benefit of registering for honors sections at their New Student Conferences.
Special Recognition
Students who successfully complete all program requirements will receive a designation on their transcript. They will also be given special recognition during the commencement ceremony by wearing an Engineering Honors medallion.
Fast Track Graduate Program
The College of Engineering has a program, referred to as Fast Track, which allows students to make progress toward a graduate degree while they are still an undergraduate. Students can take certain graduate courses and receive credit for both the undergraduate and graduate versions of the course, enabling them to complete a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in five years. Engineering Honors students can use some of these courses toward the needed honors credits for the honors distinction.