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A man standing behind a lectern speaks into a microphone while gesturing.
“I feel the investment of energy into this program will take one of the world’s leading engineering programs and make it even better,” says Keating, an industrial engineering graduate who has recruited from Texas A&M for 28 years. | Image: Texas A&M Engineering

Beginning with the fall 2024 semester, the Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution (ETID) Department will offer a minor in technical sales. ETID developed the minor in response to a growing demand identified through discussions with hundreds of business leaders over several years. These leaders emphasized the need for graduates who possess high-level technical knowledge and analytical skills combined with the ability to clearly and persuasively communicate. 

The minor focuses on the aptitude to translate advanced concepts into the business language of customers as even the best products, services and solutions do not sell themselves. Dr. Willy Bolander, who oversees the minor, added, “A brilliant scientist who struggles to communicate their research is a hardship to a company because great ideas die without clear explanation.” 

When Ben Keating ’94, owner of Keating Auto Group, learned of the initiative, he established a $4 million endowment to support the minor and fund a technical sales lab. He stated, “No matter what your daily life looks like, we are all involved in sales of some sort. I am extremely excited and energized by the minor. I know that everyone who signs up for this challenge will be rewarded with skills they can use for the rest of their lives.” 

A man holding a laptop computer explains a concept to five individuals.
“Employers want graduates who have hard skills, such as scholarly knowledge and analytic competence, as well as soft skills, such as effective communication and sales aptitude,” says Dr. Bimal Nepal, ETID Interim Department Head and a major force behind the creation of the minor. | Image: Texas A&M Engineering

The 17-hour minor closes the loop between the specialized knowledge gained in a major and the sales aptitude needed to excel in diverse fields. From cybersecurity and robotics to biomedical, aerospace and beyond, the skills learned in the minor are applicable across industries and roles.  Jonathan Bounds ‘11, residential business development manager for ABB, said, “The expertise learned in the technical sales minor enables a graduate to expand their job options and maximize their professional growth as they move up and change titles over their career.”

“Today’s employers seek those who can simplify complex ideas, illustrate benefits and inspire action, regardless of their job function. The students coming out of this program will be the most well-rounded, versatile, and functional professionals in the world,” Keating added.

The minor is available to all majors except those in industrial distribution and includes courses focused on sales engineering, marketing, and sales force development. Contact ETID’s advising team for more information or apply now.