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Dr. Aakash Tyagi | Image: Texas A&M Engineering

Dr. Aakash Tyagi, professor of practice in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, is dedicated to student success beyond the classroom. Tyagi has considerable industry experience and offers his students advice from the field as well as connections with his industry contacts. He also forms lasting relationships with his students, who hold him in high regard. 

“Dr. Tyagi taught me in a summer course in 2017. Though it was only a few weeks, it was easily my most memorable course at A&M,” said former student Tate Walker ’19. “The care he gave to each student showed how wonderful of a person he is. Seven years since that summer and I'm happy to call Aakash a lifelong friend.”

Former student Zachary Hunt ’22 offered another example of how Tyagi’s dedication extends beyond graduation: "Dr. Tyagi is one of the most consistently kind and thoughtful professors I met at A&M. He supported me pursuing grad school and continues to occasionally follow up to see how me and my wife are doing,” Hunt said. “Thank you, Dr. Tyagi!"

Because of his impact on students, Tyagi received the 2024 Distinguished Achievement Award for Individual Student Engagement. This award is funded by The Association of Former Students and was presented at the Faculty Affairs Spring Awards Celebration on Friday, April 26.

"In a span of 10 years, Dr. Tyagi has been a professor, colleague, mentor, and friend. He has the rare ability to distill years of experience and leadership into exactly the wisdom that you need, be it technical or personal,” said former student Clayton Petty ’18. “Dr. Tyagi is always available for anyone who needs him, and there are certainly countless students, employees, professors, and friends whose lives he has altered for the better."

Tyagi shared some of his thoughts about receiving this award, his values, and his professional relationships with students. 

Q: What does winning the 2024 Distinguished Achievement Award for Individual Student Engagement mean to you?

A:  Receiving the 2024 Distinguished Achievement Award for Individual Student Engagement is a deeply gratifying recognition that fills me with both pride and humility. To me, this recognition is a celebration of the values I hold dear — mentorship, support, and the personal growth of each student I encounter. I am moved by the acknowledgment that my efforts in fostering meaningful, supportive relationships with students have made a real impact. This recognition reinforces my commitment to our mutual journey of learning and development. It inspires me to continue striving not only to meet the immediate needs of our students but also to challenge them to reach their full potential. Above all, this honor reminds me that the most rewarding aspect of my role is the opportunity to witness the blossoming of potential into achievement, something far more enduring than any accolade.

Q: How do you think your work with students contributed to your selection for this award?

A: I have always believed in the importance of investing extra time and effort into understanding and addressing the unique challenges and aspirations of students. Some of the approaches that I have sought to take are as follows: 

  • Personalized Mentorship: I prioritize one-on-one sessions with students to tailor advice and support to their specific situations, helping them not only to navigate their current academic challenges but also to plan strategically for their future careers. 
  • Creating Opportunities: I lean heavily on my industry network to generate avenues of support for my students as they prepare to navigate a path in their professional life. 
  • Remaining Connected: I make efforts to remain connected with my students even after they have left our university. Writing support letters for onward education, partaking in celebrations of their life events, and making myself available as a sounding board to their life challenges are some of the ways I keep in touch. 
  • Feedback and Adaptation: I consistently seek and incorporate student feedback to improve our programs and interventions, demonstrating a responsive and student-centered approach in all initiatives. 

By focusing on these areas, I aim to not only assist students in achieving their academic and personal goals but also to inspire them to pursue a path of continuous growth and contribution.

Q: Do you think your experience working in industry has impacted your professional relationships with students? If so, how?

A: My experience in the industry has significantly impacted my professional relationships with students, enriching the guidance and support I am able to provide. Two key aspects, in my opinion, are as follows:  

  • Industry Connections: My industry experience has allowed me to build a network of professional contacts that I can leverage to help students gain internships, mentorships, and job opportunities. I consult with my current and former students in their preparation for interviews, navigating through offers and navigating through career paths. 
  • Adapting to Change: During my industry career, I came to mentor talented engineers as they sought challenging opportunities to grow in their careers. This experience has been invaluable as I help prepare my students for the challenges that lie ahead. I emphasize adaptability and continuous learning as critical skills, preparing them to thrive in an ever-evolving professional landscape. 

By integrating lessons from my industry experience into student interactions, I strive to not only mentor academically but also to prepare them comprehensively for future challenges and opportunities in their careers.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to add?

A: I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the university and the Association of Former Students for establishing this recognition category. It highlights contributions made by educators outside the classroom, which are equally important as those made within it.