
Research Areas

Mechanical Engineering researchers working on a project

The J. Mike Walker ‘66 Department of Mechanical Engineering is leveraging the full breadth of its intellectual and physical resources to push boundaries in the discovery and creation of new knowledge, utilizing federal and industry support to conduct fundamental and applied research.



Engineering Resources

To calculate cost, select Graduate, select the semester you’ll start, select Residency, choose “Engineering” from the drop-down menu, select Program and slide “Hours” to how many you’ll take each semester. Your total cost is Tuition and Required Fees.

Howdy and welcome to the graduate program in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M University. Our vision is to be the premier graduate program based on the societal and professional impact of our students, graduates, and faculty.

Welcome prospective students! The Mechanical Engineering programs at Texas A&M are ranked among the top ten programs in the nation.

Our department offers graduate students numerous opportunities for funding through assistantships and fellowships.

Degree Highlights

243 Students enrolled in Master's program (Fall 2024)
103 Total faculty (Fall 2023)
#8 Graduate Program ranked among public institutions | U.S. News & World Report, 2025