Oct. 15 - Feb. 1 of each year (Aug. 1 - Dec. 1 for incoming freshmen — must apply through Apply Texas or Common App)
Applicants must:
- be currently enrolled in a major in the Texas A&M University College of Engineering.
- be working on their first baccalaureate degree.
- have a minimum cumulative GPR of 2.75.
- enrolled as a full-time student in good standing with Texas A&M University in College Station, TX
Submit to:
The College of Engineering is now using the Common Application for incoming students and University Scholarship Application for current students. Both application links can be found on the Aggie One Stop website.
Questions about the scholarships offered at the college level in engineering should be directed to:
Engineering Academic and Student Affairs
Attn: Sybil Popham
Zachry Engineering Education Complex (ZACH)
125 Spence Street
College of Engineering | Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3127
Selection Process:
Applications are evaluated based on merit (GPA and test scores), extracurricular activities, donor specifications and/or financial need (determined by completing the FAFSA). Recipients are then selected competitively. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.