Texas A&M University's Emerging Technologies (ETB) building, at 101 Bizzell St., opened its doors to students, faculty
The Emerging Technologies building is home to the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Wm Michael Barnes ’64 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and also houses interdisciplinary research labs in the Texas A&M University College of Engineering and the College of Architecture, the College of Geosciences and the College of Science. Occupants also include two major multidisciplinary research groups, the Computational Science and Visualization and the new Institute for Coastal and Deepwater Offshore Systems.
Building features
- 212,000 gross square feet
- A three-story atrium designed for events, gatherings
and display of the innovative research taking place inside the building - Nine classrooms and two large lecture halls equipped with the infrastructure to support state-of-the-art learning
- Two large student computing labs with 24-hour access
- Wet bench labs with fume hoods that will support biomaterials, biomechanics and biomedical optics
- Dry bench labs that will provide space for equipment-based research
- Submersible underwater research lab for work in underwater vehicles
- Large-scale visualization room for the computational science and visualization program
- Offices for graduate students, faculty and support staff
- Open teaming and meeting areas