Dr. J.N. Reddy (J. Mike Walker '66 Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering) has been recognized by Research.com with their 2024 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Leader Award, along with no. 5 and no. 8 rankings among national and worldwide mechanical engineers, respectively.
Dr. Reddy is a Regents and University Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He holds affiliated faculty positions within the departments of aerospace, civil and environmental, and materials science and engineering. Dr. Reddy was inducted as a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2015 and is accepting his third consecutive Leader Award from Research.com.
Rankings within the field of mechanical and aerospace engineering are based upon scientists' Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph profiles, reviews across several indicators, and metrics — namely the D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. The rankings include only leading scientists with D-indexes of at least 30 for academic publications made in the area of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
Research.com summarized the statistics and trends from their ranking.
Research.com is a leading educational platform that helps students find the best schools, academic opportunities, and career paths. They provide a wide range of comprehensive, well-researched, data-driven guides and resources prepared by a team of experts who work collaboratively to answer reader questions and help readers make informed decisions.
The platform also features an annual ranking of the best scientists in the world. These annual lists are designed to offer the academic community more visibility and exposure to the influential research contributions made by those at the forefront of science in different countries, as well as within different universities and research institutions. The intention is that these rankings inspire researchers, decision-makers, and entrepreneurs around the world to find out where leading experts are heading.
In his congratulatory note to Dr. Reddy, Research.com co-founder and chief data scientist Dr. Imed Bouchrika specified that "being present in our ranking is definitely a great achievement for [the scientist] and [their] university or research institution."
This article originally appeared on the Texas A&M Faculty Affairs website.