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Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Awards - 2023
Faculty from the biomedical engineering department were honored this year for their accomplishments. | Image: Texas A&M Engineering

Faculty from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University were recognized for their achievements throughout the past year. The recipients are as follows:

Reza Avaz, Cain Developmental Faculty Fellowship, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University

Vanderlei Bagnato, Robert E. Hopkins Leadership Award, Optica

Akhilesh Gaharwar, Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society

Senior Member, National Academy of Inventors

Young Investigator Award, Biomaterials

Melissa Grunlan, Engineering Excellence Award, College of Engineering

Frances Ligler, Award in Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society

Hatice Ceylan Koydemir, Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Michael McShane, Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society

Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Sensors Council

Charles Peak, Instructional Faculty Teaching Award, College of Engineering

Roderic Pettigrew, Distinguished Service Award, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

Shreya Raghavan, Rita Schaffer Award, Biomedical Engineering Society

Young Innovator Award, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Journal

Catalyst for Next-Generation Oncology Award, Finalist, Cancer Community (C2)

Cain Faculty Fellowship, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University

Limei Tian, Young Faculty Fellow Award, Texas Engineering Experiment Station

Excellence Faculty Fellowship, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University

Alex Walsh, Dean of Engineering Excellence Award - Assistant Professor Level, College of Engineering

Cain Faculty Fellowship, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University

Taylor Ware, National Academy of Engineering, Japan-US Frontiers in Engineering

Cain Faculty Fellow I, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University

Vladislav Yakovlev, 2023 Research Impact Award, Texas Engineering Experiment Station

Feng Zhao, Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering