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Four students from the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M University received a total of $17,000 in beneficial scholarships from the American Nuclear Society (ANS) to continue pursuing their education goals. 

  • Shane Olson received $5,000 from the Diversity & Inclusion/Non-traditional Students Scholarship and $3,000 from the ANS Graduate Scholarship.
  • Diego Ross received $5,000 from the Diversity & Inclusion/Non-traditional Students Scholarship.
  • Jessi Martinez received $2,000 from the ANS Undergraduate (Junior/Senior) Scholarship.
  • Jason Andrews received $2,000 from the Joseph Naser Undergraduate Scholarship.

“Scholarships, such as those from the ANS, help to provide an additional source of support for our students,” said Dr. Michael Nastasi, nuclear engineering department head. “Each student who received an award has met the rigor and high standards of the ANS and these awards serve as testament to their excellence.”

According to the ANS, scholarship decisions are based on numerous factors such as academic excellence, leadership within ANS, references, career goals, and financial need.

The ANS awarded over $259,000 in scholarships to students for the 2023-2024 academic year at their annual meeting, which was held in Indianapolis in June.