Earlier this year, the student-run organization TAMUhack held its ninth annual hackathon in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University.
As one of the largest annual hackathons held in Texas, TAMUhack is a 24-hour invention marathon that serves as a creative space where student programmers can learn new skills, collaborate with other students of varying skill levels and backgrounds, and network with industry experts. This year, 822 attendees across 24 schools participated, and 151 projects were submitted.
“At TAMUhack, students are tasked to solve any problem that they are passionate about,” TAMUhack president Ekdev Rajkitkul said. “We encourage participants to learn and challenge themselves regardless of whether they are addressing social or environmental issues, improving accessibility, creating solutions for specific industry needs or working on a personal project.”
Several company sponsors also present participants with various challenges, including American Airlines, who challenged the teams to develop a solution for the airline industry in terms of passenger experience, employee experience or operational efficiencies.
During the event, TAMUhack also hosted six workshops that were led by the organization’s industry partners, campus recruiters and technical directors. The workshops covered various topics such as interviewing, how to build a full-stack web application and technical assessment tips.
TAMUhack is thankful for the volunteers, sponsors and judges who dedicated their time, experience and resources, which helped to make the event possible.
“Only with their support are we able to bring together students year after year to collaborate and innovate,” TAMUhack vice president Vivian Yu said. “We would also like to thank our faculty mentor, Dr. Paul Taele. Our team is grateful for his guidance and support in making TAMUhack possible.”