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Dr. Chanan Singh
Dr. Chanan Singh is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. | Image: Texas A&M Engineering

Dr. Chanan Singh was recently honored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power and Energy Society (PES) with the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the education, research and industrial adoption of reliability theory and practice in large power systems. 

This award recognizes exceptional power engineers for outstanding career-long contributions to the art and science of electric power engineering. 

Singh, Regents Professor, Irma Runyon Chair Professor and University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University will be formally presented with this award at the IEEE PES General Meeting Awards Gala Dinner and Ceremony in July.

“I find this a moment to reflect and appreciate all those who have contributed to whatever I have achieved — my students, my colleagues, the institution and our alumni and my family,” Singh said. “For me work has been my play and I have enjoyed it all along.”

Singh’s research interests lie in the areas of reliability and security of electric power systems, theory and applications of system reliability, integration of renewable energy sources and the reliability of cyberphysical systems. He was named a 2020 foreign fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, a 2020 foreign fellow of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas.