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Jeanne M. and Robert P. Stelzer ’74 have established the Jeanne M. and Robert P. Stelzer ’74 Endowed Scholarship. This endowment will be used to provide one or more scholarships to full-time students in good standing pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University.

Robert earned his degree in electrical engineering in 1974. Robert worked for the International Business Machines Corporation where he was an advisory programmer before retiring in 2001. 

Robert and Jeanne have two children together. They are a part of the Heritage A&M Legacy Society that honors individuals and families who have made planned gifts to benefit Texas A&M. 

How to Give

The College of Engineering is one of the leading engineering programs in the United States, ranking first in undergraduate enrollment and ninth in graduate enrollment. Endowments supporting the students in the college have an immeasurable impact on their education. If you are interested in supporting the College of Engineering and its departments or would like more information on how you can give, please contact True Brown, senior director of development.