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Cecilia and Robert “Bob” D. Harrison have established the In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Harrison Scholarship. This endowment will be used to provide one or more scholarships to full-time students in good standing pursuing an undergraduate degree from the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University.

Growing up, Bob said he was very interested in science-related topics and that was why he chose to pursue a degree in chemical engineering. He was drawn to Texas A&M for its strong reputation in engineering and science, and the co-op program that provides industry experience before graduation. 

“Texas A&M is a highly recognizable brand and produces graduates with an emphasis on self-initiative and ability to relate to others,” he said. “I am most interested in encouraging future students in chemical engineering who have the ability and motivation to complete their degrees but may need some financial support.

“Students chose to pursue college degrees for many different reasons and have a broad mix of interests, abilities and motivation. However, my priority is to offer financial support for these highly motivated and qualified students,” he said.

Cecilia and Bob were inspired to establish this scholarship in memory of Bob’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Harrison had three daughters in addition to Bob, and all four children have college degrees; three of which are from Texas A&M. “My parents raised us with an expectation that we would further our education and attend college. They saved and sacrificed to support and encourage us to pursue our fields of interest,” Bob said. 

This is the Harrisons’ first scholarship in chemical engineering and it won’t be the last time they support students pursuing a college education. “It is my intent to continue to fund the education initiative beyond this initial scholarship,” Bob said. 

How to Give

The College of Engineering is one of the leading engineering programs in the United States, ranking first in undergraduate enrollment and ninth in graduate enrollment. Endowments supporting the students in the college have an immeasurable impact on their education. If you are interested in supporting the College of Engineering or would like more information on how you can give, please contact Haley Jennings, director of development.