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Message from Dean Banks
Dean M. Katherine Banks | Image: Texas A&M Engineering

Texas A&M Engineering Former Students and Friends,

I would like to express my sincere wish for the good health of you and your loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Although there is much to cause concern and worry, I am reassured daily by the strength, integrity and can-do spirit of Aggies during this crisis.

Texas A&M University is committed to the safety of our students and ensuring that they are being fully supported in their educational endeavors. As you will see in the stories in this newsletter, we have transitioned operations to deliver courses virtually and only essential staff are working on campus. Most of our CoE employees are working remotely from home.

Yet the core value of selfless service is being manifested in many ways as our faculty, staff and students respond to community needs. 

If you have technology-related ideas that could address COVID-19 challenges, please  see more details about our COVID-19 research program.

Texas A&M Engineering is utilizing resources in unprecedented ways to support our governing bodies and health care providers. You are welcome to join us.

Best regards,

M. Katherine Banks, Ph.D., P.E.