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Robert and Tera Davis with family
Robert '90 and Tera Davis '94 with their family | Image: Robert Davis
Robert ’90 and Tera Davis ’94 have contributed to the Engineering Entrepreneurship Program. Their gift will be used to support the program within Engineering Academics and Student Affairs at the Texas A&M University College of Engineering. 
Robert Davis was deciding between two schools when contemplating where to go to college before attending Texas A&M. He states that it was the passion and love that Aggies had for Texas A&M that ultimately made him decide to attend. “Former students of Texas A&M were much more enthusiastic and would spend significant amounts of time trying to convince me how great A&M was,” he said.
Davis said his inspiration behind wanting to give back to Texas A&M was the help he received while attending. “I was fortunate to receive several academic scholarships, including a President’s Endowed Scholarship. Even as a student I always planned to someday return the favor,” Robert said. 
“To whom much is given, much is expected. The support of all former students is critical to A&M becoming the flagship university in Texas and renowned internationally,” Robert said. 
As first-generation Aggies, Robert and Tera found entrepreneurship to be a critical skill. They founded their own company, Critical Start, in 2012 and said they have been fortunate in their success. 
“Entrepreneurship is an important skill to teach students, as this has a tremendous impact on the success of our alumni and increases their ability to fund both academics and athletics longer term,” Robert said.  
The Davises aim to give back to Texas A&M to provide support for current and future Aggies. “Tera and I both believe that nothing feels quite as good as paying it forward, especially when benefiting students. We want the best for Texas A&M and success is a team sport, in which every Aggie’s help counts,” Robert said. 

How to Give

The College of Engineering is one of the leading engineering programs in the United States, ranking first in undergraduate enrollment and ninth in graduate enrollment. Faculty endowments encourage and reward faculty members who embody the passion for, and commitment to, the education of engineering students. They bring years of rich experiences from the field and add tremendous value to the College of Engineering. If you are interested in supporting faculty or would like more information on how you can give, please contact Kirkland Rivers, assistant director of development.