ExxonMobil |
Image: ExxonMobil
The ExxonMobil Aggies Club have established the ExxonMobil Aggies Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship to provide one or more scholarships to full-time students in good standing pursuing an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University.
Similar to Texas A&M, ExxonMobil has hundreds of internal organizations that allow employees to connect with each other over shared passions. Carissa Mark ’15, an engineer with the company, shared the ExxonMobil Aggies mission.
“The ExxonMobil A&M Club is the first-ever corporate Texas A&M club,” she said. “Our mission is to enable Aggies to network within the corporation globally as well as to strengthen the relationship between ExxonMobil and Texas A&M.”
While the club started as a way for Aggies to network within the corporation, they now have their own Muster, host yearly tailgates and luncheons, and volunteer at Ring Day, the Houston Food Bank and Rebuilding Together Houston.
“In addition to the fun we have together, we have initiated six collaborative Texas A&M endowments,” Mark said. “All of which are in the process of being funded and we are working on starting two more.”
Matthew Lindblade ’14, a fixed equipment engineer, said the competitive spirit and drive to help current students afford the cost of an education at Texas A&M led to the ExxonMobil Aggies Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship.
“I was reading through one of the ExxonMobil Aggie newsletters and noticed that there was a chemical engineering and geosciences endowment,” Lindblade said. “My competitive spirit decided it was time to create one for mechanical engineering.”
The ExxonMobil A&M Club’s efforts are centered around fostering a sense of community within the corporation with fellow Aggies through social and service events, supporting and encouraging one another in their career endeavors through mentorship and collectively giving back to their beloved university.
“As a 2014 graduate from the mechanical engineering program, my desire is to ‘pass it back’ to a university that has given me so much and support the mechanical engineering students coming along behind me to pursue and achieve their dreams through an outstanding education,” Lindblade said.
Similar to Texas A&M, ExxonMobil has hundreds of internal organizations that allow employees to connect with each other over shared passions. Carissa Mark ’15, an engineer with the company, shared the ExxonMobil Aggies mission.
“The ExxonMobil A&M Club is the first-ever corporate Texas A&M club,” she said. “Our mission is to enable Aggies to network within the corporation globally as well as to strengthen the relationship between ExxonMobil and Texas A&M.”
While the club started as a way for Aggies to network within the corporation, they now have their own Muster, host yearly tailgates and luncheons, and volunteer at Ring Day, the Houston Food Bank and Rebuilding Together Houston.
“In addition to the fun we have together, we have initiated six collaborative Texas A&M endowments,” Mark said. “All of which are in the process of being funded and we are working on starting two more.”
Matthew Lindblade ’14, a fixed equipment engineer, said the competitive spirit and drive to help current students afford the cost of an education at Texas A&M led to the ExxonMobil Aggies Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship.
“I was reading through one of the ExxonMobil Aggie newsletters and noticed that there was a chemical engineering and geosciences endowment,” Lindblade said. “My competitive spirit decided it was time to create one for mechanical engineering.”
The ExxonMobil A&M Club’s efforts are centered around fostering a sense of community within the corporation with fellow Aggies through social and service events, supporting and encouraging one another in their career endeavors through mentorship and collectively giving back to their beloved university.
“As a 2014 graduate from the mechanical engineering program, my desire is to ‘pass it back’ to a university that has given me so much and support the mechanical engineering students coming along behind me to pursue and achieve their dreams through an outstanding education,” Lindblade said.
How to Give
The College of Engineering is one of the leading engineering programs in the United States, ranking first in undergraduate enrollment and ninth in graduate enrollment. Endowments supporting the students in the college have an immeasurable impact on their education. If you are interested in supporting the College of Engineering or would like more information on how you can give, please contact Jay Roberts, assistant vice president for development.