Eleven outstanding faculty members from the Texas A&M University College of Engineering received one of the highest honors in academia at the investiture ceremony held Tuesday, April 16.
The faculty members who were awarded the designation of a chair or professorship were invested during the ceremony and presented with bronze medallions. The medallions are engraved with the name of their chair or professorship, and symbolize the honorees’ commitment to teaching, research and service.
The 2019 recipients include:
Mahmoud El-Halwagi
Bryan Research & Engineering, LLC Chair
Yassin Hassan
Royce E. Wisenbaker ’39 II Chair
Jeff Spath
Stephen A. Holditch ’69 Department Head Chair in Petroleum Engineering
Perla Balbuena
TEES Eminent Professor
Elaine Oran
TEES Eminent Professor
Yucel Akkutlu
Rob L. Adams ’40 Professor
Amine Benzerga
General Dynamics Professor
Rodney Boehm
Artie McFerrin ’65 Associate Professor of Practice
Stefan Hurlebaus
Peter C. Forster Professor
Scott Socolofsky
A.P. & Florence Wiley Professor II
Nicholas Duffield
TEES Research Professor