Texas A&M Engineering Vice Chancellor and Dean Dr. M. Katherine Banks recognized faculty and staff award winners during the 2019 Faculty and Staff Awards banquet.
For faculty Banks presented teaching awards, faculty fellow awards, service awards, Dean of Engineering Excellence awards and contribution awards. For staff she presented Staff Excellence Awards, a New Employee Award, a Key Contributor Award and the Engineering Team Award.
Staff Awards
Key Contributor Award — Colleen Leatherman (aerospace engineering)
New Employee Award — Neal Ellis (human resources)
Staff Excellence Award — Andrea Burks (nuclear engineering); Sandra Havens (mechanical engineering); Andrea Kishne (electrical and computer engineering); Kelley McDermott (TEES fiscal office); Kassandra Sims (civil engineering); Paul White (TEES information technology); Yesenia Zavala (industrial and systems engineering)
Engineering Team Award — Jennifer Ligon, Alexander Wood and Susan Woodard (National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing)
Faculty Awards
Association of Former Students College Level Teaching Award — Daniel Alge (biomedical engineering); James Boyd (aerospace engineering); Harry Hogan (mechanical engineering); Colonel (Ret) Mark Johnson (engineering technology and industrial distribution)
Charles Crawford Distinguished Teaching Award — Bryan Rasmussen (mechanical engineering)
College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award — Helen Reed (aerospace engineering); Ding Zhu (petroleum engineering)
Instructional Faculty Teaching Award — Ibere Alves (petroleum engineering); Wayne Lutz (aerospace engineering); Ciriaco Valdez-Flores (industrial and systems engineering)
George Armistead, Jr. ‘23 Faculty Excellence Teaching Award — Pavel Tsvetkov (nuclear engineering)
College of Engineering Outstanding Contribution Awards
William O. and Montine P. Head Memorial Award for Contributions — Roozbeh Jafari (biomedical engineering)
Williams Brothers Construction Engineering Award for Contributions — Dominique Lord (civil engineering)
College of Engineering Service Awards
William Keeler Memorial Award for Service — Vikram Kinra (aerospace engineering); Zivko Nikolov (biological and agricultural engineering); David Staack (mechanical engineering)
College of Engineering Faculty Fellows
Eugene Webb Faculty Fellow —Peng Li (electrical and computer engineering)
Josey Family Foundation Faculty Fellow —Kristen Maitland (biomedical engineering)
William O. and Montine P. Head Faculty Fellow —Scott Socolofsky (civil engineering)
TEES Fellow Awards
TEES Young Faculty Fellows — Akhilesh Gaharwar (biomedical engineering); Darren Hartl (aerospace engineering)
TEES Faculty Fellows — James Caverlee (computer science and engineering); Guofei Gu (computer science and engineering); Vladislav Yakovlev (biomedical engineering)
TEES Senior Faculty Fellow — Lin Shao (nuclear engineering)
Dean of Engineering Excellence Award
Assistant Professor — Alaa Elwany (industrial and systems engineering); Xia (Ben) Hu (computer science and engineering)
Associate Professor — Hae-Kwon Jeong (chemical engineering)
Professor — Eric Petersen (mechanical engineering)
TEES Research Impact Awards
Akhilesh Gaharwar (biomedical engineering); Yassin Hassan (nuclear engineering); Robin Murphy (computer science and engineering); Scott Schaefer (computer science and engineering)