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Dr. J.N. Reddy
Dr. J.N. Reddy | Image: Justin Baetge/ Texas A&M Engineering Communications

Gifted through the Texas A&M Foundation, Dr. J.N. Reddy has established the J.N. Reddy Chair in Applied Mechanics faculty endowment to bolster his fellow researchers and instructors now and into the future. This generous endowment will be used to support the teaching, research, service and professional development of faculty in the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering who embody the passion for, and commitment to, education for which Reddy is known.

“I have enjoyed my time at Texas A&M University doing the two things that I am most passionate about, teaching and research – both of which involve students, who are the most precious thing we have at the university,” said Reddy.

A legend in mechanical engineering, Reddy shares his devotion for teaching and knowledge with everyone he meets. He has been a leader in research and education for more than 42 years, nearly three decades of which has been as a member of the Texas A&M faculty.

In addition to being a part of the National Academy of Engineering, Reddy also serves as Oscar S. Wyatt Jr. Chair Professor, University Distinguished Professor and Regents Professor in the mechanical engineering department.

“I have accomplished a lot as a teacher and researcher as attested by many significant awards and honors I received over the years, but any meaningful measure of accomplishments must include giving back to the community,” said Reddy. “I hope that whoever holds the endowed chair in my name will continue my legacy and will help students and junior faculty in their pursuit of knowledge and its use for societal benefit.”

Learn more about the J.N. Reddy Chair in Applied Mechanics.

How to give

The College of Engineering is one of the leading engineering programs in the United States, ranking first in undergraduate enrollment and ninth in graduate enrollment. Faculty endowments encourage and reward faculty members who embody the passion for, and commitment to, the education of engineering students. They bring years of rich experiences from the field and add tremendous value to the College of Engineering. If you are interested in supporting faculty or would like more information on how you can give, please contact Jonathan Pozzi, assistant director of development, or Stephanie Lampe, assistant director of development.