Texas A&M University will host the 2017 Quantitative Bioimaging (QBI) conference Jan. 5 – 7 on its campus in College Station, Texas.
The international QBI conference brings together researchers in the field of engineering, biophysics, biology and chemistry who study the quantitative aspects of microscopy.
This year’s conference, which is in its fifth year, will host international speakers and leaders within the industry and will expose the newest emerging research.
Texas A&M is hosting the QBI conference for the first time, with previous conferences being held in the Netherlands, France and New Mexico.
Dr. Raimund J. Ober, biomedical engineering and molecular and cellular medicine professor at Texas A&M, is coordinating the conference.
“The conference brings many of the leading researchers to Texas A&M to present and discuss their research,” said Ober. “This is a unique opportunity for our students to be exposed to the latest developments in this exciting and fast moving field.”
The conference is open to all Texas A&M undergraduate and graduate students and will offer a glimpse into the world of quantitative bioimaging.
For more information and details, visit: http://www.quantitativebioimaging.com/