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Tamuhack 2

TAMUHack, student organization in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University held its second annual hackathon on campus in October.

The student organization began in 2014 with the mission to put on the largest programming and hardware event on campus. During the 24-hour event, participants are able to connect with peers and network with the top tech recruiters from around the country while tinkering on a project of their choice.

The hackathon is made possible by officers Rafa Moreno, Bob Timm, Eleni Mijalis and Chris Nolan. Around 300 students attended the event, which was held in The Zone at Kyle Field.

“For many, TAMUHack was their first hackathon experience, which we believe to be extremely important in driving a culture of innovators and creators here at A&M,” president, Moreno said.

Vice President, Timm, said that the second annual TAMUHack was an entirely different experience than the first.

“What remains different from the first year is the overall experience,” Timm said. “We as officers and fellow hackers have been working to make every aspect better with each iteration of TAMUHack. It’s just great to see everyone attend and enjoy it.”


TAMUHack is continually thinking of ways to make each year a captivating and unique experience for those who participate. Co-founders Moreno and Timm have been instrumental in creating an excitement and interest here at Texas A&M University in the growing popularity of hackathon events. At the 2016 Computer Science Spring Banquet and Awards Ceremony, Cesar received the Undergraduate Leadership Award for his role in promoting and expanding the reach of TAMUHack and Timm received the Mentoring Excellence Award because of his dedication to helping students involved with the hackathon.