Aditya Konduri, a graduate student in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University working under the supervision of Dr. Diego A. Donzis, received the Best Graduate Student Presentation Award at the American Physical Society Meeting — Texas Section this past fall. The presentation titled "Asynchrony-tolerant finite difference method for partial differential equations at extreme scales" reflects an interdisciplinary work at the crossroads of aerospace engineering, computer science and applied mathematics.
For his doctoral dissertation, Aditya has been working on a novel highly scalable asynchronous computing algorithm to solve partial differential equations on massively parallel supercomputers. The method relaxes communication synchronization of data between processors at a mathematical level, which significantly improves the scalability of computational fluid dynamics applications on current petascale machines and paves the road towards true exascale simulations on future computing systems. This work will facilitate state-of-the-art scalable simulations of high reynolds number turbulence, a multi-scale problem of great importance in aerospace engineering as well as many other natural and man-made systems.
Aditya has recently been a Scholar of the Extreme Scale Computing Training program at Argonne National Labs and has been awarded a runner-up in the Immersive Visualization Competition 2012 organized by the Institute of Scientific Computation, Texas A&M and Nvidia. He will be joining the Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Labs at Livermore, California, in the fall.