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Han, ArumProfessor Arum Han of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University is featured in an interview on the One Health Grand Challenge website discussing his research.

The One Health Grand Challenge is an opportunity for Texas A&M schools and colleges to plan and implement an inter/transdisciplinary collaborative approach to helping improve the lives of all species — human and animal health — by addressing health and their connections between natural and man-made environments.

One Health, the collaborative effort across multiple disciplines to attain sustainable optimal health for the ecosystem, is a cultural and behavioral concept with socioeconomic elements and impact.

The One Health Grand Challenge focuses on identifying approximately four major One Health research themes and implementing a plan for bringing together faculty from across Texas A&M to form collaborative inter/transdisciplinary teams to propose research initiatives under the major themes.

In the “Accessible & Affordable Quality Healthcare” section Han discusses his research titled “Development of next-generation biologics through microphysiological systems.”

Han, director of the NanoBio Systems Lab and an expert in microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technologies, joined the electrical and computer engineering department in 2005. He received his bachelor’s degree from the Seoul National University in Korea, his master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati and his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology, all in electrical engineering.

Han’s research is at the interface of micro/nano technology and life sciences, with interest in solving grand challenge problems in the broad area of health and energy through the use of micro/nano systems technology and multidisciplinary team effort.
His honors include being a Eugene Webb Faculty Fellow of the College of Engineering (2014), being an inaugural recipient of the Engineering Genesis Award for Multidisciplinary Research (2014), TEES fellow (2012) and receiving an outstanding professor award from the electrical and computer engineering department (2012).