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Image -of -jorge -alvaradoDr. Jorge L. Alvarado, an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, was one of four keynote speakers at the 2nd International Seminar on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. The seminar, which was organized by the Heat Transfer Society of Japan, was held in Kyoto, Japan.

Alvarado spoke about advancements in the area of synchronized and coherent multiple droplet impingements for enhanced spray cooling, a research thrust that he has been active in over the last five years.

During his visit to Japan, Alvarado also participated in the Interface Science Colloquium at Kobe University as one of the keynote speakers at the event. At the colloquium he spoke about recent developments in the study of convective heat transfer processes for various engine applications.

Alvarado’s participation in both events followed his attendance at the Heat Transfer Conference in Kyoto where he also spoke about his most recent work in dropwise condensation using engineered surfaces.