The Texas A&M University Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma hosted its Spring 2014 semi-annual induction banquet and annual awards ceremony on April 30th. Pi Tau Sigma is an international Mechanical Engineering Honors Society, whose members are chosen on a basis of sound engineering ability, scholarship, personality, and probable future success in their chosen field of mechanical engineering. The evening started with an introduction and roll call by Jordan Ellington, president of Texas A&M Pi Tau Sigma, and the pledge class of 2014 was welcomed and recognized as official members of the society.
Texas A&M Pi Tau Sigma Chapter
Dr. Tim Jacobs was introduced and welcomed as the society’s new faculty advisor. Following tradition, the incoming advisor was the keynote speaker for the event. In his speech, Dr. Jacobs presented his plans to further develop Pi Tau Sigma.
Dr. Jacobs presents the keynote speech.
This year marks the 50 year anniversary for the Sigma Delta Chapter, making it a unique semester for the Sigma Delta Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma at Texas A&M. It was honored with the distinction of hosting the annual National Convention for Pi Tau Sigma. The 2014 National Convention at Texas A&M University was noted by the National President of Pi Tau Sigma, Dr. Mun Young Choi, as “The best convention he has attended”.
2014 National Pi Tau Sigma Convention at Texas A&M University.
Pi Tau Sigma honored department head, Dr. Andreas Polycarpou, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering with Outstanding Support Awards for helping make the convention a grand success. The recognized Dr. Polycarpou for his support during the convention, and also for his dedication to the undergraduate program. The entire faculty and staff of the Mechanical Engineering Department for their support and guidance throughout the convention. A few notable members who played a role in the convention include Dr. Aaron Ames, Dr. Tim Jacobs, Dr. Eric Peterson, Dr. David Staack, and Dr. Devesh Ranjan for opening up their labs to convention attendees, and Hemali Tanna and Mitch Wittneben for their help in organizing and coordinating the convention.
Dr. Jacobs accepting the awards on behalf of Dr. Polycarpou and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Pi Tau Sigma honored Dr. Harry Hogan with an ‘Outstanding Faculty Award’. Each year Pi Tau Sigma recognizes one faculty member for their outstanding commitment and contributions to the undergraduate students in the department. Dr. Hogan was selected for his outstanding guidance not only to students enrolled in his solid mechanics course, but for having served all undergraduate students as the Undergraduate Program Coordinator for the past 10 years.
Dr. Hogan (R) accepting the Outstanding Faculty Award from Jordan Ellington (L).
Finally, the officers of Pi Tau Sigma presented the ‘Outstanding Faculty Advisor’ award to Dr. Devesh Ranjan for his commitment to Pi Tau Sigma for the past two years as their faculty advisor. Under his guidance Pi Tau Sigma has flourished within the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and developed several initiatives to assist the growth of the department.
Dr. Ranjan accepting the Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award from Pi Tau Sigma Officers.