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Summer_Institute_Flooding.jpgThe 2014 and 2015 Summer Institutes on Flooding brings together domain experts from invited federal, state, municipal, and NGO stakeholder agencies with academics and industry in a highly interactive visioneering format with talks, demonstrations, and walkthroughs at Disaster City.

Register NowSummer Institute on Flooding with Prizes for Posters
June 3-5, 2014 Disaster City
sponsored by the Center for Emergency Informatics

Researchers will come away with an understanding of the information needs of stakeholders and the state of the practice. Agencies will be exposed to emerging information technologies from industry and academia. Together, the group will create agency-university-industry partnerships and produce a multi-disciplinary roadmap for research, development, and technology transfer on all aspects of flooding and coastal resilience.

The Texas A&M community is invited to participate and present! There will be a poster session on June 4 with awards of $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd, and $200 for 3rd.


June 3  Practitioner talks and process walkthroughs.  8AM-8PM including working dinner.
June 4  Practitioner talks continued, selected academic and industry short presentations, technology demonstrations.  8AM-8PM including working dinner.
June 5  Follow up day for industry for related one-on-one meetings with TEEX Product Development Center, TEES Center for Applied Technology, TEES small business program, Research Valley Partnership for economic development, and Lone Star UAS Center at Texas A&M by appointment.
June 5  Training for the Roboticists Without Borders program members.

Space is limited so apply now by contacting Kimberly Mallett at