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shankar award

A high school student working in an engineering research lab has won several awards for her research.
Shreya Shankar, a junior at A&M Consolidated High School, began working in June 2013 on a research project titled “Supporting 3-Dimensional Movement through Etherware, a Middleware for Networked Control Systems,” in the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab of Professor P. R. Kumar, the College of Engineering Chair in Computer Engineering, working under the supervision of his Ph.D. student, Woo-Hyun Ko. Since she began her research, Shankar has won the Intel Excellence in Computer Science Award, the US Navy Science Award, the Yale Science and Engineering Association award, the Society of Women Engineers Award and the Energy Day Academic Award.
Shankar’s honors also include being one of the 40 students worldwide to be selected for the 2013 Stanford University Mathematics Camp and being chosen as one of the 30 students worldwide to be chosen for Catapult, a business incubator program at Harvard University. She also is an American Invitational Mathematics Exam qualifier, plays first violin in varsity orchestra and represents her school in swimming. She plans to major in computer science and engineering in college.