- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- J.M. Forsyth Chair Professor
- University Distinguished Professor
- Regents Professor
- Affiliated Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Mathematics, Multidisciplinary Engineering, and Ocean Engineering
- Fellow, Michael E. DeBakey Institute, Texas A&M University
- Senior Research Fellow, Texas Transportation Institute
- Phone: 979-862-4552
- FAX: 979-845-3081
- Email: krajagopal@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 525

Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Minnesota – 1978
- M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology – 1974
- B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology – 1973
Research Interests
- Continuum mechanics and its applications to non-linear materials
Certifications & Memberships
- Fellow, The Indian National Academy of Engineering – 2010
Awards & Honors
- Professional Achievement Award, Illinois Institute of Technology – 2021
- Worcester Reed Warner Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) – 2021
- Distinguished Professor Regents Professor Forsyth Chair in Mechanical Engineering
- Honoris Causa, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy – 2019
- President’s award for Distinguished Visitors, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva – 2016
- Three (3) special issues, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids honoring contributions to the field of mechanics – 2015
- TUS President’s Award, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo – 2014
- Honoris Causa, Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iasi – 2013
- Honoris Causa, Charles University, Prague – 2012
- Honoris Causa, University of Pretoria, Pretoria – 2010
- Memorial Medal, Charles University, Prague – 2006
- Archie Higdon Award, American Society of Engineering Education – 2005
- Eringen Medal, Society of Engineering Science – 2004
Selected Publications
- KR Rajagopal, A note on the linearization of the constitutive relations of non-linear elastic bodies, Mechanics Research Communications
- K. R. Rajagopal, M. Zappalorto, Bodies described by non-monotonic strain-stress constitutive equations containing a crack subject to anti-plane shear stress, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 149, 494-499 (2018).
- J Málek, K Rajagopal, K Tůma, Derivation of the Variants of the Burgers Model Using a Thermodynamic Approach and Appealing to the Concept of Evolving Natural Configurations, Fluids 3 (4), 69 (2018).
- MR Nivitha, JM Krishnan, KR Rajagopal, Viscoelastic transitions exhibited by modified and unmodified bitumen, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1-15 (2018).
- AD Freed, KR Rajagopal, A promising approach for modeling biological fibers (vol 227, pg 1609, 2016), ACTA MECHANICA 229 (8), 3573-3573 (2018).