- Professor Emerita, Mechanical Engineering
- Email: oochoa@tamu.edu

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University – 1980
- M.Eng., Nuclear Engineering,Texas A&M University – 1977
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Bogazici University (Robert College), Turkey – 1976
Research Interests
- Computational and Experimental Mechanics of Composites
- Composites Design for Offshore
- Aerospace and Wind Energy and Biomedical applications
- Hybrid and Multifunctional Composites
Awards & Honors
- ICCM World Fellow-Life Member
- Fellow of American Society for Composites
- Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Honorary Fellow, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
- 2012 Wayne Stinchcomb Award and Memorial Lecture, ASTM Committee D-30
- 2013-2014 Texas A&M University College of Engineering Fellow
- 1997 TAMU Mechanical Eng. Academy of Distinguished Graduates
- 1993 Texas A&M University International Excellence Award
- 1991 Texas A&M University Honors Program Teacher/Scholar Award
Selected Publications
- Finite Element Analysis of Composite Laminates, O. O. Ochoa and J. N. Reddy Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, ISBN 0-7923-1125-6
- Kulkarni, Mandar C., and Ochoa, Ozden O., Creating Novel Granular Mixtures as Proppants: Insights to Shape, Size and Material Considerations, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 24, Issue 7, 2017, pp. 605-614
- Rodriguez, D., Guiza, V., Ochoa, O. O., Gharat, Y., Sue, H. J., Lafdi, K., Hahn, M. S., Development of a Hydroxyapatite- poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) Infiltrated Carbon Foam for Orthopedic Applications, Carbon, 2016, Vol. 98, pp. 106-114.
- Truong, H. T. X., Lagoudas, D. C., Ochoa, O. O., Lafdi, K., Fracture Toughness of Fiber Metal Laminates: Carbon Nanotube Modified Ti-Polymer Matrix Composite Interface, J. of Composite Materials, 2014, vol. 48, no. 22, pp. 2697-2710.
- Nanami, N., and Ochoa, O. O., Bird Impact Study of A Preloaded Composite Wind Turbine Blade, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Montreal, Canada, July 2013.
- Sarzyznski, M., Ochoa, O. O., Lafdi, K., Multifunctional Hybrid Carbon Foams: Integrating Processing and Performance, J. Composite Materials, vol. 44, no. 5, March 2010, pp. 621-638.