- Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Industry Advisory Council Faculty Fellow
- Phone: 979-458-3132
- Email: adelgado@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 122
- Website: Research Website
- Linkedin: Profile

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University — 2008
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University — 2005
- B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela — 2002
Research Interests
- Rotordynamic
- Structural vibration
- Energy dissipation mechanisms
- Thin-film lubrication
- Fluid-structure interaction applied to the design, modeling and improvement of rotating machinery systems and components
Awards & Honors
- 2020 James J. Cain ’51 Faculty Graduate Teaching Award
- 2011 Best Paper Award, Structures and Dynamics Committee, ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo Conference
Selected Publications
- Delgado A, Ertas, B., 2018, “Dynamic Characterization of a Novel Externally Pressurized Compliantly Damped Gas-Lubricated Bearing with Hermetically Sealed Squeeze Film Damper Modules,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(2), p. 021028.
- Delgado, A., Ertas, B., 2018, “Dynamic Force Coefficients of Hydrostatic Gas Films for Recessed Flat Plates: Experimental Identification and Analytical Predictions,” ASME J. Trib., 140(6), p. 061703.
- Delgado, A., 2015, “Experimental Identification of Dynamic Force Coefficients for a 110 mm Compliantly Damped Hybrid Gas Bearing,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 137(7), p. 072502
- San Andrés, L., Delgado A., 2012 “A Novel Bulk-Flow Model for Improved Predictions of Force Coefficients in Grooved Oil Seals Operating Eccentrically,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 134(5), p. 052509
- Delgado, A., Vannini, G., Ertas, B., Drexel. M., and Naldi, L., 2011, “Identification and Prediction of Force Coefficients in a Five-Pad and Four-Pad Tilting Pad Bearing for Load-on-Pad and Load-Between-Pad Configurations,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 133(9), p. 092503