- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- James J. Cain '51 Faculty Fellow I
- Phone: 979-845-4500
- Email: dbanerjee@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 310
- Website: Research Webpage
- Linkedin: Profile

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles — 1999
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles — 1998
- M.S., Engineering Science, University of Mississippi — 1995
- M.S., Computational Science, University of Mississippi — 1995
- B.S., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur — 1992
Research Interests
Thermo-Fluidics (multi-phase flows, boiling-condensation, thermal management), micro/ nano-technology (nano/micro/bio-sensors, MEMS, nanolithography/ DPN, nanosynthesis), nanofluids (complex fluids), nano-calorimeter (explosives sensing), phase change materials (PCM)/ energy-water nexus, energy storage, solar power, numerical simulations (lumped/ network models, Finite Elements Analyses/ FEA, Computational Fluids/ Heat Transfer: CFD/CHT, Molecular Dynamics/ MD, soft computing: Artificial Intelligence/ AI and Machine Learning/ ML).
Awards & Honors
- 2021 College of Engineering Excellence Award for Service
- 2020 Charles W. Crawford Distinguished Award (Engineering Outstanding Contribution Award), College of Engineering Faculty Award by Dean of Engineering
- 2020 Patent and Innovations Award, awarded by the Office of Technology Commercialization, Texas A&M University.
- Faculty Fellow, Engineering-Medicine Program (En-Med)
- Faculty Fellow, Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center (MKOPSC)
- Faculty Affiliate, Gas and Fuels Research Center (GSFC)
- Leader of Engineering Caucus (Elected) to the Faculty Senate at Texas A&M University
- Awarded 14 US Patents: 2017 [1]: 9,671,365. 2015 [4]: 9,132,400; 9,126,169; 9,061,262; 9,044,724. 2013 [3]: 8,470,285 B1, 8,470,149 B2, 8,383,062 B2. 2012 [2]: 8,163,150; 8,147,770. 2011 [1]: 8,062,611. 2010 [1]: 7,762,638. 2008 [1]: 7,378,259. 2006 [1]: 7,034,854
- 2015-2016 Faculty Advisor for the Student Ambassador Program at Texas A&M University by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- 2016 Fellow, American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- 2014-2015 Leland T. Jordan Career Development Professor in Mechanical Engineering
- 2009-2012 3M Corporation Non Tenured Faculty Award
- 2008-09 Select Young Faculty Award, Texas A&M Engineering Experimentation Station
- 2007 Faculty Fellow, Mary Kay OConnor Process Safety Center, Texas A&M University
- 2007-2009 Morris-Foster Faculty Fellowship, Texas A&M University
- 2009 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellow Space and Naval Warfare Center (SPAWAR), Advanced Technology Branch - San Diego; sponsored by Office of Naval Research (ONR)
- 2006 & 2007 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellow Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL) Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB); sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
- 2005 New Investigator Award, Texas Space Grants Consortium (TSGC)
- 2001 Best Journal Paper Award by the ASME Heat Transfer Division for 2 papers published in the Journal of Heat Transfer
- 1994-1995 Invited to four National Honor Societies: (Sigma Xi for Scientific Research), (Phi Kappa Phi for Academic Excellence),(Gamma Beta Phi for Social Service), (Tau Beta Pi for Engineering)
- 1992 "Best Mechanical Engineering Student Award" (Amlan Sen Endowment) awarded at the graduation convocation ceremony, I.I.T. Kharagpur
- 1988-1992 Merit Scholarships for Undergraduate Student (3 times), I.I.T., Kharagpur.
- 1988 J.C. Bose National Science Talent Search Scholar, Government of India
- 1988-1992 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Scholarship, Govt. of India
Selected Publications
- Helmns, D., Carey, V.P., Kumar, N., Banerjee, D., Muley, A., and Stoia, M., “Comparison of model predictions and performance test data for a prototype thermal energy storage module”, ASME Transactions Journal of Energy Resources Technology (JERT), Manuscript number JERT-20-1136 (accepted for publication June 3, 2020).
- Hassan, M.A., and Banerjee, D., “A soft computing approach for estimating the specific heat capacity of molten salt-based nanofluids”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, (accepted for publication, February 20, 2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.02.106
- Qi, Y., Bikai, J., Nasrababdi, H., and Banerjee, D., "Direct Visualization and Molecular Simulation of Dewpoint Pressure of a Confined Fluid in Sub-10 nm Slit Pores", Fuels, Vol. 235, online September 1, 2018 (in print January 2019), Pages 1216-1223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2018.08.050
- Amasia, M., Madou, M., Kang, S-K., and Banerjee, D., “Experimental Validation of Numerical Study on Thermoelectric-based Heating in an Integrated Centrifugal Microfluidic Platform for PCR Amplification”, Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 014106, published online January 30, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4789756
- Shin, D.*, and Banerjee, D., “Enhanced Specific Heat of Silica Nanofluid”, ASME Transactions Journal of Heat Transfer, Volume 133, Issue 2, 024501 (4 pages) , February, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.4002600
- Singh, N., Sathyamurthi, V. , Patterson, W., Arendt, J.L., and Banerjee, D., “Flow Boiling Enhancement on a Horizontal Heater Using Carbon Nanotube Coatings”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 31, pp. 201-207, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2009.11.002